I’m having a hard time figuring out the elements inside the barbed wire fencing. I see what looks like a garden followed by a tank trap/pit. Next to that is what looks like a brick wall, and behind that is… a bull?How do they get the mother-in-law into the cottage if that door is the only one? If it’s not the only door, what purpose do all the fencing and traps serve? After all, she can still get to them.
I’m sorry, but I find all of these obstacles as insufficient. Once there is a grandchild, nothing can keep a grandmother away but distance. This I know from experience. My folks live 3 hours away and contact is limited to phone calls and trips made to visit them. My mother-in-law lives across town, a trip of 30 minutes or less, and physical visits are on average of 2 to 3 times a week. Good thing I get along with her.
There’s so much overkill there that it fails: M-I-L throws a grapple hook over the wall, climbs up so that she’s higher than the razor wire, then lowers herself down OUTSIDE the fence. Then she can get to the front door and offer to babysit.
Good ideas, bad planning, The fence and the razor wire should surround her house. You also need armed guard towers, searchlights, and motion sensors on the fence. Three or four feet of reinforced concrete under her house would help insure she doesn’t dig out. Oh, and don’t let her order anything from ACME Corp online or over the phone.
Good for a laugh, but I like my mother-in-law. Visits 1 a week and lives in my city house. Wife visits her mother every weekday during the school year.
Funny, my hubby likes my mom WAY more than his. .@kaecispop Distance won’t work, my mom lived a bit over 2000 miles away and came for the birth of both her grandbabies. She also came for all their b-days and 4th of july, and the one Chraitmas we didn’t make it back East to see the whole family.
Plods with ...™ over 12 years ago
Kewl – keeps the kids outta her hair.
cdward over 12 years ago
I’m having a hard time figuring out the elements inside the barbed wire fencing. I see what looks like a garden followed by a tank trap/pit. Next to that is what looks like a brick wall, and behind that is… a bull?How do they get the mother-in-law into the cottage if that door is the only one? If it’s not the only door, what purpose do all the fencing and traps serve? After all, she can still get to them.
kaecispopX over 12 years ago
I’m sorry, but I find all of these obstacles as insufficient. Once there is a grandchild, nothing can keep a grandmother away but distance. This I know from experience. My folks live 3 hours away and contact is limited to phone calls and trips made to visit them. My mother-in-law lives across town, a trip of 30 minutes or less, and physical visits are on average of 2 to 3 times a week. Good thing I get along with her.
lunatic03867 over 12 years ago
@cdward – it’s a snake pit.
Poollady over 12 years ago
What’s to keep Mom from walking out her back door over to the back door of their house???
gosfreikempe over 12 years ago
There’s so much overkill there that it fails: M-I-L throws a grapple hook over the wall, climbs up so that she’s higher than the razor wire, then lowers herself down OUTSIDE the fence. Then she can get to the front door and offer to babysit.
lin4869 over 12 years ago
I have to disagree. I’ve always looked forward to being a good MIL, and I think I’ve succeeded. Also, my now deceased MIL was a treasure.
Rodney99 over 12 years ago
Good ideas, bad planning, The fence and the razor wire should surround her house. You also need armed guard towers, searchlights, and motion sensors on the fence. Three or four feet of reinforced concrete under her house would help insure she doesn’t dig out. Oh, and don’t let her order anything from ACME Corp online or over the phone.
lcdrlar over 12 years ago
Good for a laugh, but I like my mother-in-law. Visits 1 a week and lives in my city house. Wife visits her mother every weekday during the school year.
Kip W over 12 years ago
Airline food! Airline food!
water_moon over 12 years ago
Funny, my hubby likes my mom WAY more than his. .@kaecispop Distance won’t work, my mom lived a bit over 2000 miles away and came for the birth of both her grandbabies. She also came for all their b-days and 4th of july, and the one Chraitmas we didn’t make it back East to see the whole family.