cop: we're seeing a lot of this this summer.
lou: oh yeah?
cop: yeah. punks steal a car, run it into a food bowl and grab what they can.
some of them are even using a fake cop to draw the victim away from the scene!
Lou: wow, no kid
wait- what?
Little Miss Tink over 12 years ago
He does now.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
And he got faked out pretty good for a moment.
Good Morning, Crew!
Wenthral over 12 years ago
Time to get a fake bowl.
instigator20 over 12 years ago
Good Morning Crew,Theft by deception….Crash and Burn Punks are everywhere this summer. All for a little Kibble.Have a GREAT DAY MATIE’S
cstewart23 over 12 years ago
I hate to say it, but I’m with gmartin on this one. Look behind you, rats. There’s the line.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
morning crew!happy, happy, happy!!!
patricew52 Premium Member over 12 years ago
The rats are rats! LOLGood Morning, Crew!
Allan CB Premium Member over 12 years ago
Stupid and pathetic rats.Thieves the whole load of em’ … Chip, time to get a brain, and get rid of the mice.
Charles Weir over 12 years ago
I think they’re supposed to be mice, not rats, but this was mean. I’d like to see Louie shut down his water ride in protest until it stops. And I don’t like the mice either.
slhansen07 over 12 years ago
Hornswaggled! I hate being hornswaggled. It’s almost as bad as getting bamboozled.
samfran6-0 over 12 years ago
meeses,cute little meeses. not rats. :-)
samfran6-0 over 12 years ago
This was mean of the meeses. Louie is always good to them. But, the cute little meeses has to do what they have to do for food. They are very clever.
instigator20 over 12 years ago
GM,I think you might be suprised at what “Chip” has seen.The Instigator
Jansy over 12 years ago
Everyone is down on the mice! How about Louie? I thought he was a smart Labrador! Where’s Raymond when Louie needs him?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 12 years ago
First off, second panel, it looks like the mouse has a sock over his head with a pound sign drawn on it, second, don’t blame the adult meeses. These are their rowdy teenaged kids doing this! :-D
gobblingup Premium Member over 12 years ago
Boo on the rats! I’d say “stop being nice to them, Louie”, but he has such a short memory and is so sweet-hearted, it would never happen.hey Crew
rgcviper over 12 years ago
Now that was sneaky, and pretty unfair to poor ol’ Louie.
I’ve always liked the mice, but they’re starting to wear a little thin on me.
’Evening, Crew.