Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for December 08, 2009
Miss Bliss: Class, I'm very happy to announce that we here at Blisshaven Preschool will present a winter pageant for all our parents! Now please stand up as I call your name and give you your role. Alice and Nara, you are the two Snowflakes. Kevin, you are the Man with a Snow Shovel. Beni, you are Jack Frost. Marcus, you are the Snow Man. Dill, you are a Head Cold Germ. Dill: YES!
John Reiher Premium Member about 15 years ago
Let’s hope that Dill isn’t a method actor…
margueritem about 15 years ago
Dill, you were born to play this part!
itraso about 15 years ago
I’ll bet auditions were brutal for Dill’s part.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
That’s the best medicine for what ails Dill.
cdward about 15 years ago
Ah man! I wanted the head cold germ role.
gcshop about 15 years ago
Cul de Sac fans: Alice, Petey and the rest of the Cul de Sac cast are the stars of their own brand new 2010 calendar. They make great holiday gifts – get yours before they sell out! Click here to see the entire lineup of cartoon calendars from GoComics.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Alice, look out for the man with the shovel.
Digital Frog about 15 years ago
I hope they post the video - With Dill in it I would expect it to go viral…
cleokaya about 15 years ago
I hope Dill doesn’t let this part go to his head.
lazygrazer about 15 years ago
Bet the little booger’s part calls for alotta running.
spbatwork about 15 years ago
Big noses run in Dill’s family.
BenPanced about 15 years ago
fritzoid Premium Member about 15 years ago
Alice as a silent, dainty snowflake. Hmmmmmmm… Yeah, that’ll work.
threegeebee about 15 years ago
It made me laugh out loud! At my job! Where there’s not much to laugh at!
comics4brown about 15 years ago
Dill looks as if this is his dream role of all time! And I’m sure he’ll make the best darned head cold germ anybody’s ever seen…
uh-ohkid about 15 years ago
Dill’s delight may be in being chosen at all - not that I know from experience…
DCStark over 13 years ago
Dill excited at being chosen to play the germ – ROFL!
Goat (from PBS) about 4 years ago
his head look like a covid germ
Are2Dee2 over 1 year ago