FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for October 15, 2012
Andy: Peter Fox, where on earth have you been all afternoon?! Peter: Steve and I went to the library. Andy: Keep going. Peter: ... luigi's pizza, guitar land, and then hung out at Coffeebucks. Andy: A bit of advice: sentences don't end with commas. Peter: How could you possibly tell?!
rpmurray over 12 years ago
Andy was an English Major. Give her a sentence and she can write a 50 page essay on what the author meant. A little thing like grammar is dead easy for her,
einarbt7 over 12 years ago
She knows her people.
Xane_T over 12 years ago
Peter’s dialogue left her full of antici…
duckdodgers Premium Member over 12 years ago
Peter would never hang out at the library. That is how she knew the comma was there.
Waddling Eagle over 12 years ago
She is a professional writer. Of course she knows where the commas are.
burleigh2 over 12 years ago
The word bubbles always give it away. :-(
DerkinsVanPelt218 over 12 years ago
The fourth wall has definitely been broken today.
Doctor11 over 12 years ago
Never underestimate an English Major, we’ll surprise you.
JP Steve Premium Member over 12 years ago
Could he have just claimed to have been commatose?
Sophar_the_barbarian about 8 years ago
Guitar land, then hung out at COFFEE?? Bucks