Uber SNERK!!
Reminds me of the surgeon who advertised a new operation to connect Siamese twins who were born separated.
That’s tomorrow night.This is too funny!
“Corn-Off-The-Cob” for folks with loose dentures. They still get to hold the cob and have butter drip down their hands. Could be a winner.
November 25, 2017
margueritem over 12 years ago
Uber SNERK!!
StCleve72 over 12 years ago
Reminds me of the surgeon who advertised a new operation to connect Siamese twins who were born separated.
Larry Miller Premium Member over 12 years ago
Perkycat over 12 years ago
That’s tomorrow night.This is too funny!
treBsdrawkcaB over 12 years ago
“Corn-Off-The-Cob” for folks with loose dentures. They still get to hold the cob and have butter drip down their hands. Could be a winner.