Michael Ramirez for August 02, 2012

  1. Missing large
    Odon Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Putting it in our gas tanks has proven to be very short sighted.

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    Ironhold  almost 12 years ago

    Actually, the consensus is that ethanol has done a number on the world’s supply of corn, and as such is part of the reason why food prices keep going up. []Also, most older engines can’t burn ethanol properly. Because of this, functional and properly-maintained older vehicles are being turned into smog-belching gas-guzzlers because the improperly burned ethanol is damaging their engines. Not only are these vehicles now worse for the environment than they were before, they’ll die sooner and so more cars will need to be produced – resources and all – to replace them.

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  3. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  almost 12 years ago

    How much corn gets wasted as high fructose corn syrup (which you can even find in some loaves of bread) as compared to ethanol?

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  4. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Good one, I wondered when someone would slam the Stupidity of using corn to make Ethanol. And then subsidize it with taxpayers money.

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  5. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  almost 12 years ago

    Maybe the oil companies can use their INCREDIBLE profits to help feed them.

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    Redeemd  almost 12 years ago

    Who’s idea was it to force corn ethanol on us anyway? It seems to be universally despised.

    I did a little research on it and it appears to be the illegitimate offspring of big oil and enviro-nut politicians. Washington in gridlock is starting to look better all the time.

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  7. Marx lennon
    charliekane  almost 12 years ago

    Q. Which congress enacted the ethanol mandate standards?

    A. The 109th Congress.

    Q. Who controlled the 109th Congress?

    A. The Republicans.

    Q. Who was President?

    A. Dubya.

    Are these the “libtards and environmental wackos” we can thank?

    BTW, I drive a 2000 Olds Intrigue. It’s lovely “shortstar” engine doesn’t care for ethanol.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 12 years ago

    food crops should be UNTOUCHABLE for non-food products, IMO. We can’t help feed the world’s hungry with ethanol….we need the corn for cornmeal for mush, muffins, cornbread, etc.but the PC people who totally lack common sense seem to be in charge of things….

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  9. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  almost 12 years ago

    It’s always refreshing when a usually one-sided cartoonist breaks from the expected. Good job this time, Ramirez.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    Corn ethanol IS a dumb idea. The fact that the corn they grow for ethanol isn’t fit for human consumption is also a “miss” for those making arguments. That GM corn KILLS BUGS, should make someone think twice about eating it???? The drought wasn’t brought on by growing corn for ethanol, but the consumption of coal, natural gas, diesel, and gasoline DOES have something to do with it, it’s just not quantified yet to get the complete picture.

    The guy Ramirez is showing is actually carrying, and pushing increased use of gasoline, NOT ethanol! But, hey, let’s not consider consequences of “profits”.

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    Feeding rightsright is a waste of time, it just goes into hate, bile, and a despicable waste of oxygen the planet could better use elsewhere, like Africa.

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