Henry Payne for August 02, 2012

  1. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  almost 12 years ago

    Heres an idea, cut more money to schools. I mean, things THRIVE when you take money out, right?

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    joe vignone  almost 12 years ago

    “Is our children learning?”

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    lonecat  almost 12 years ago

    Over and over the same comments. Go into a classroom and try to teach. It’s not easy. Then make some suggestions.

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  4. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  almost 12 years ago

    “Well, throwing more money into the hole hasn’t helped. One definition of insanity is doing the same thing, but hoping for a different outcome”Oh, and cutting has? I thought you wanted to avoid doing the same thing over again. Guess what, schools don’t give everyone A’s (I’ve gotten more than my share of C’s in my day) and the schools do teach facts. Just because you don’t think the facts are correct dosn’t mean they are.

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  5. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  almost 12 years ago

    I thank the lucky stars that I completed my public schooling before trickle-down economics, teachers unions and liberal claptrap laid waste to our once great system.

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    oneoldhat  almost 12 years ago

    with the cuts to education the USA is now only second highest in $ per student

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    This might be funny if, like the goofy signs at Tea Party rallies it were a real incident.Like any other organization, the talent level of the employees reflects the pay and the working environment. I think most teachers would trade better pay for a less burdensome process of firing bad teachers.

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    Odon Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Two Trusims:Teachers who have involved parents see better outcomes.Teachers who must adhere to “no child left behind” use less than good educational principals.

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    Gladius  almost 12 years ago

    I haven’t posted in a while. However, I felt compelled to make a comment here. There is one question that ought to be asked. How is the money spent? I was a teacher at a middle school in Ohio for a couple of years. At that school there were 12 people handling learning disabled students. This includes aides. There was one half time teacher for gifted students. Needless to say, I had a bit of a problem with this. BTW this carried over to the H.S. were the gifted instructor spent the second half of the day.

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    joe vignone  almost 12 years ago

    I say cut out the middle man:JAILSCHOOL! That’s right. Once the kid has spent himself into life time debt to get an education and there are only low paying jobs available he will turn to crime to make ends meet, so why not kill two birds with one stone. And the prison industry will be very grateful. I am surprised a Reep hasn’t proposed this yet.

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