Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for September 03, 2012
Every sunrise, the oceanic algae Nitzschia Cf Pellucida wipes out nearby competitors with chemical warfare- a burst of toxic cyanogen bromide! One of the still functioning Apple I computers- the first product built by Apple Computer, Inc., the 1976, sold at auction on June 15, 2012, for $374,500! The skull image embedded in The Ambassadors- a 1533 painting by Hans Holbein The Younger, can only be seen properly when viewed from the side!
Mostly Water Premium Member over 12 years ago
I had a roommate in college who regularly emitted toxic bursts.
CrimsonFoxx over 12 years ago
I wouldn’t get my hopes up, the only reason it sold for nearly that much is that it was an important milestone in computer history being the first computer Apple sold, other old computers aren’t worth much at all.
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
That’s less than the price for which the Apple I sold originally.I’m hyperbolizing, of course!
Stephen Gilberg over 12 years ago
Holbein was cooler than I thought.
James Hopkins over 12 years ago
I think type of painting is called Anamorphosis?
ALAG! over 12 years ago
These are awesome!