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Red … yes, the Stanleys seem to rent their brand of “importance” by the hour.Nice Mother’s Day gift, say…or reward for a 4th grader who gets better grades than last semester.
Unsuitable for our future sheriff…due to his actual importance to the community… and to his humility… as I doubt he’d agree to such a label.
I have to go to bed, so this is probably my last chance to say it before 7am when the polls open:
OK, a couple of you have expressed reservations about a monkey for sheriff…
But… as I said in my interview on WBAL yesterday…
As acting sheriff, MonkeyBlues has been responsible for getting rid of a lot of the shady dealing that used to plague the sheriff’s department.
As a non-human, he’s a firm believer in the rights of ALL Ballard County residents, be they human, canine, feline, simian or what have you.
Remember, he brokered the recent peace between the dogs and cats of Ballard Street!
The same CANNOT be said of his human opponent, who for one thing, wants to take away all other species’ driver’s licenses…and who, besides, has been nowhere to be seen for the past two weeks.
See you all at the polls.If you need a ride…call 555-MUNKY in your local area code!.
Okay guys, today is the day! I am having a party…I mean another party after the election! Come one come all! I am also having one before and during….just saying.
Good Morning All,Quick report from the polls. Voting has been steady but light,so far. Since Ballard Street residents are notoriously late risers – due to being notorious night owls -I’m sure we’ll be seeing a surge in a little while.No incidences to report, except my having to warn Susan Sunshine to curb her enthusiasm for Monkey Blues, too close to the voting booths. She’s so gung ho that she forgot that electioneering and signs must be at a respectful distance, away from the polling places.She’s functioning on very little sleep and she so wants to make sure everyone votes, that she didn’t realize how close she was. No harm, no foul.Hope to see you all at the polls. Vote ! Vote ! Vote !
Everything seems to be functioning normally today (so far, at least….knock on wood!). Don’t forget, today is FSMB’s birthday, as well as election day, so try to grab a few catni …catnaps, if you can. It’s going to be a long day of celebrating…I think I’ve found the perfect vehicle for FSMB’s victory ride…
There’s no doubt that one balloon is not enough. Even though the Fire Marshall has canceled the pyrotechnics, the City has revoked the parade permit, the Stanley’s have been repeatedly fined for noise ordinance violations, the Planning Commission said “no” to the mule team and camel caravan, and the Homeowner’s Association has rejected the park and a “port of call”……still the Stanley’s have found a way to do everything they can, with what they have, from where they are, the true American Pioneering Spirit, red, white and blue never looked so good.
Report from the polls…. Voting has really picked up thanks to the transport committee. No incidents to report. It’s a great day for Ballard Street.Now that you’re up…HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONKEY !!!!
In the excitement of the day, I got confused. Apologies. And, thanks for suggesting that a fancier mode of transportation than what the Sweeney’s could provide was needed for the victory parade!
Stormy, the party was supposed to be at Bev’s… been planning for days, but now she hasn’t posted in a couple of days.Glad you’re standing ready to host it if need be…
Bev! x_Tech! I’m getting worried!
Essex showed up…. now you guys show up too, please!
It’s 7:20PM BST ( Ballard Street Time ), the polls are closed, and I’m outta here. The Ballard Irregulars and Moi, are headed to Storm’s for some well earned adult beverages, yak steak, snickerdoodles, banana bread, Bananas Foster ( er I mean Bananas Monkey ) and some Monkey birthday/victory cake. See ya’ll there.
Let me be the first to thank you for taking the time to make this day special for ALL of us here on BS…. We wish you well in continuing your travels to sights and experiences you have only dreamed about…. and we of course await your check-ins (when ever/however) with much anticipation… we wish you all the best…. and for now… from your BS Irregular Family…BCNU…!!!! CHEERS!!!
Happy wanderings to you. I look forward to meeting up with you again — whenever that may be. Thank you for being here today…..and thank you for pulling me into this neighborhood (I still have my cow costume. It’s been through the mill!).fondly, StelBel(no apologies necessary.)
OMG…you’d better take it easy, girl! Everything here is under control. Simultaneous parties are going on at Storm’s and in your carriage house (can you hear the music?), so relax. MonkeyBlues is in the lead by a very wide margin, and I’m sure Warren Bloch will be conceding very soon! Essex60 stopped by on this special occasion, and right now, it seems all is OK in the Ballard neighborhood.
OMG Mrs Bev…!!!Yew hold on there…!!! Yer in no shape ta partee..!!!Yew take it EZ tonite..!!!! TOO much exitrmint in won day fer munkey… an we gotta make shur yer ok, ah kneads ya hellthy…!!!!
We’re all very very glad you showed up today…thank you!
Please stop by any time…. you’re not only welcome, but appreciated as the person who gave some of us the roles we play today.
I’ve said before that I’d probably not be posting here, much less own a salon on Ballard St., had you not planted the idea…
BTW, thanks, but it’s StelBel, not I, who does the real estate…but would you like us to find you a pied-a-terre here to make visiting easier?
I’m sorry you sold the Hawk before I got my ride in it. But it was fun imagining it.I always wanted to ride with a real Stud (ebaker owner.)
It really did sound like something was wrong, back in May, and it’s been hard not knowing what it was…wishing I (or we) could help, but not knowing how to reach you.
That frustration even inspired me to post my e-mail address so the rest of us could keep better track of each other behind the scenes…
Which reminds me I’ve been meaning to do it again (so far no spam or trolls have resulted.)
For Essex or anyone else who wants to get connected….I’m NOT a reliable correspondent (ask those to whom I presently owe e-mail!) but at least we have a way to reach each other!Write me at My user name here at gmail dot com
Essex, being in your 70’s doesn’t make you old…. not that much older than many of us, and the same as several.
Enjoy your bucket list … but stay away from buckets.My wish for you is that you stay well, and that your “silly” plays a return engagement. I miss it!
Although we’ve never really interacted, I feel like your an old friend. I have followed your comments for a very long time and now, as part of the Ballard Street Family, I am glad you are back, even if temporarily. We have all missed you and your acute wit.Good luck and God speed in your travels, or should I say: Buena suerte y Dios te velocidad en tus viajes.
However it happens, it’s no fun at all. I remember how much I hurt after falling flat on my face on the sidewalk back in April. I still can’t believe that I didn’t lose all my teeth or that I still have a nose!What you need right now is rest. I’m glad everything checked out OK.
Omgosh!I was posting to Essex and talking on the phone… so it took a long time and I didnt see your post.
Don’t feel like you have to do anything tonight….I’m sure the party can wander back and forth between the carriage house and Stormy’s without your help.You can just hang out and enjoy it!Is this a coincidence or was I right to worry earlier today….I was about to write to you because your last post a couple of days ago said “everything is getting blurry.”
Maybe that was unrelated…. but maybe not.TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!
So, the polls are closed at this end and it’s a sure bet that MonkeybluesIS the new sheriff (at least on the east coast). I’ll see you all at one of the parties, I’m sure. But, just in case I do miss you, we’ll catch up in the morning. Good job, everybody!
My friend, You don’t know me and frankly I don’t know myself all that much but I have been a quiet reader for a long time and you were one of the ones that made me love this Street. Go far, see all, smile long and smell a flower or two for me.
Hey Bev, I’m glad you’re O.K. I was worried about you. Unfortunately, some of us ( not you, of course ), are at an age and stage that if you don’t hear from us for a couple of days, well…..Glad you’re back in time to party.
I think it’s a terrific idea the Stanleys have to offer a day of recognition – of local renown – to someone others deem to be worthy of such an honor. It would make a great birthday gift, especially for a little kid. Or a fitting tribute to a newly elected sheriff, such as Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML, above. I’m curious about the pricing model. So many variables to consider: subject weight, length of time, neighborhood(s) to be traversed, hills (!), inclement weather, choice of soundtrack, etc.
Wow… 64 comments minus the 3 from tonight (including this one) … all that’s left of probably a couple hundred….
including many pictures, links to music, and comments from people no longer on GoComics.
The election of Sheriff MonkeyBlues, and then his combination victory and birthday party… the first birthday party we had on Ballard Street.
Essex had been missing for months… he showed up to put in his vote for MonkeyBlues, and explain his absence… that’s why people are welcoming him back.
His comments are now missing.
Bev was late cos she had fallen on the sidewalk two days before, and been taken to the hospital. Her comments are also missing now.
But there are lots of replies here to both of them.
Cake and food and old friends… all now gone from the comments… but some of us, as you can see, are still here!
margueritem over 12 years ago
It’s a welcome addition to Ballard St.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
A mini parade.
anniebodyhome over 12 years ago
Where’s the seat belt?
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
wait till they get to the hill at the end of the streat…
pcolli over 12 years ago
The Stanley balloon trolley chair is now on sale in all good stores; or you can order one now by calling 555 ……..
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Red … yes, the Stanleys seem to rent their brand of “importance” by the hour.Nice Mother’s Day gift, say…or reward for a 4th grader who gets better grades than last semester.
Unsuitable for our future sheriff…due to his actual importance to the community… and to his humility… as I doubt he’d agree to such a label.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Only 2 AM…. yikes! 2AM!at my end of Ballard St.
I have to go to bed, so this is probably my last chance to say it before 7am when the polls open:
OK, a couple of you have expressed reservations about a monkey for sheriff…
But… as I said in my interview on WBAL yesterday…
As acting sheriff, MonkeyBlues has been responsible for getting rid of a lot of the shady dealing that used to plague the sheriff’s department.
As a non-human, he’s a firm believer in the rights of ALL Ballard County residents, be they human, canine, feline, simian or what have you.
Remember, he brokered the recent peace between the dogs and cats of Ballard Street!
The same CANNOT be said of his human opponent, who for one thing, wants to take away all other species’ driver’s licenses…and who, besides, has been nowhere to be seen for the past two weeks.
See you all at the polls.If you need a ride…call 555-MUNKY in your local area code!.
Storm F-1/4 over 12 years ago
Okay guys, today is the day! I am having a party…I mean another party after the election! Come one come all! I am also having one before and during….just saying.
Larry Miller Premium Member over 12 years ago
Heck with the thronish chair. I want the drink that fits similarly on that coaster wagon.
Linguist over 12 years ago
Good Morning All,Quick report from the polls. Voting has been steady but light,so far. Since Ballard Street residents are notoriously late risers – due to being notorious night owls -I’m sure we’ll be seeing a surge in a little while.No incidences to report, except my having to warn Susan Sunshine to curb her enthusiasm for Monkey Blues, too close to the voting booths. She’s so gung ho that she forgot that electioneering and signs must be at a respectful distance, away from the polling places.She’s functioning on very little sleep and she so wants to make sure everyone votes, that she didn’t realize how close she was. No harm, no foul.Hope to see you all at the polls. Vote ! Vote ! Vote !
StelBel over 12 years ago
To the world’s most interesting monkey….
StelBel over 12 years ago
Your ride awaits…(we’re a wee bit early. You did say 10 a.m., right?)
StelBel over 12 years ago
Everything seems to be functioning normally today (so far, at least….knock on wood!). Don’t forget, today is FSMB’s birthday, as well as election day, so try to grab a few catni …catnaps, if you can. It’s going to be a long day of celebrating…I think I’ve found the perfect vehicle for FSMB’s victory ride…
What do you think?
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
Zzzzzzzzz………. (snik*)hmmmmphhhhh……… zzzzzzz….(pffft…) ZZZzzzzzzzzzzz…….
StelBel over 12 years ago
My pleasure, IMudd! I’m looking forward to the party, as well, so save a dance for me!
Storm F-1/4 over 12 years ago
I voted! Twice. It is now obvious to me that the first ballot box I put my vote in was a toilet. They should mark these things.
Lefty2 over 12 years ago
There’s no doubt that one balloon is not enough. Even though the Fire Marshall has canceled the pyrotechnics, the City has revoked the parade permit, the Stanley’s have been repeatedly fined for noise ordinance violations, the Planning Commission said “no” to the mule team and camel caravan, and the Homeowner’s Association has rejected the park and a “port of call”……still the Stanley’s have found a way to do everything they can, with what they have, from where they are, the true American Pioneering Spirit, red, white and blue never looked so good.
Linguist over 12 years ago
Report from the polls…. Voting has really picked up thanks to the transport committee. No incidents to report. It’s a great day for Ballard Street.Now that you’re up…HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONKEY !!!!
REDROCKER51 over 12 years ago
ya might want ta use a toilet for a seat on that fer politicians….because they are full of…………………….
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
MAH MANE MAN…!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
WHERE HAVE YOU BIN?dude! you have bin MISSED!
StelBel over 12 years ago
I am speechless……………………..!
…really, really missed!
Molly mcgee over 12 years ago
WOW!! Is it really you?~I’m not a regular poster, just a regular reader, and I’ve missed you too!!~Welcome back. ~What are you doing in Peru?
Logical Duck over 12 years ago
The Stanleys will have to face down the Sweenys sooner or later. It may get nasty.Hey Essex! Welcome back!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
OMG!! I can’t believe it!Welcome!!
“O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”She chortled in her joy….
You’ve had me so worried!
You do know we’ve had a Find Essex60 Committee looking for you for months?!
We sold hot dogs at the Ballard St. 4th of July and Memorial day events, put balloons in all the trees….
Please stick around this time, or at least tell us what’s going on.
Did you run off with Paddington Bear?
Did you drive the Studie all the way to Peru?
So glad you’re OK…
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Happy Birthday, Monkey!!
Wow…. Essex coming back…winning the election (I have confidence in, and truly hope for, that outcome!) a big party…your Dad in town….
This is going to be a birthday to remember!.
(Are you going to tell what birthday?)
(not to mention that I hope the night of foot rubs helped…)(and that’s …um… NOT to mention!)
Happy Birthday to yousemy friend MonkeyBlues….Happy Birthday, future Sheriff, While we’re waiting for news…
StelBel over 12 years ago
In the excitement of the day, I got confused. Apologies. And, thanks for suggesting that a fancier mode of transportation than what the Sweeney’s could provide was needed for the victory parade!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
Izzit in teh papers yet…?
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Look everybody!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Yes…. Where are you X?And where is Bev?
Stormy, the party was supposed to be at Bev’s… been planning for days, but now she hasn’t posted in a couple of days.Glad you’re standing ready to host it if need be…
Bev! x_Tech! I’m getting worried!
Essex showed up…. now you guys show up too, please!
Linguist over 12 years ago
It’s 7:20PM BST ( Ballard Street Time ), the polls are closed, and I’m outta here. The Ballard Irregulars and Moi, are headed to Storm’s for some well earned adult beverages, yak steak, snickerdoodles, banana bread, Bananas Foster ( er I mean Bananas Monkey ) and some Monkey birthday/victory cake. See ya’ll there.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
Let me be the first to thank you for taking the time to make this day special for ALL of us here on BS…. We wish you well in continuing your travels to sights and experiences you have only dreamed about…. and we of course await your check-ins (when ever/however) with much anticipation… we wish you all the best…. and for now… from your BS Irregular Family…BCNU…!!!! CHEERS!!!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
I’ll be ready Ess…!!!!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Relax Bev! Good to see you….and the polls don’t close for three hours at this end. 8pm PDT.Glad you’re all right!
StelBel over 12 years ago
Happy wanderings to you. I look forward to meeting up with you again — whenever that may be. Thank you for being here today…..and thank you for pulling me into this neighborhood (I still have my cow costume. It’s been through the mill!).fondly, StelBel(no apologies necessary.)
StelBel over 12 years ago
OMG…you’d better take it easy, girl! Everything here is under control. Simultaneous parties are going on at Storm’s and in your carriage house (can you hear the music?), so relax. MonkeyBlues is in the lead by a very wide margin, and I’m sure Warren Bloch will be conceding very soon! Essex60 stopped by on this special occasion, and right now, it seems all is OK in the Ballard neighborhood.
(really…hope you’re OK, Bev!!!!)
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
OMG Mrs Bev…!!!Yew hold on there…!!! Yer in no shape ta partee..!!!Yew take it EZ tonite..!!!! TOO much exitrmint in won day fer munkey… an we gotta make shur yer ok, ah kneads ya hellthy…!!!!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Essex — I second what the Monkey said…
We’re all very very glad you showed up today…thank you!
Please stop by any time…. you’re not only welcome, but appreciated as the person who gave some of us the roles we play today.
I’ve said before that I’d probably not be posting here, much less own a salon on Ballard St., had you not planted the idea…
BTW, thanks, but it’s StelBel, not I, who does the real estate…but would you like us to find you a pied-a-terre here to make visiting easier?
I’m sorry you sold the Hawk before I got my ride in it. But it was fun imagining it.I always wanted to ride with a real Stud (ebaker owner.)
It really did sound like something was wrong, back in May, and it’s been hard not knowing what it was…wishing I (or we) could help, but not knowing how to reach you.
That frustration even inspired me to post my e-mail address so the rest of us could keep better track of each other behind the scenes…
Which reminds me I’ve been meaning to do it again (so far no spam or trolls have resulted.)
For Essex or anyone else who wants to get connected….I’m NOT a reliable correspondent (ask those to whom I presently owe e-mail!) but at least we have a way to reach each other!Write me at My user name here at gmail dot com
Essex, being in your 70’s doesn’t make you old…. not that much older than many of us, and the same as several.
Enjoy your bucket list … but stay away from buckets.My wish for you is that you stay well, and that your “silly” plays a return engagement. I miss it!
Linguist over 12 years ago
Although we’ve never really interacted, I feel like your an old friend. I have followed your comments for a very long time and now, as part of the Ballard Street Family, I am glad you are back, even if temporarily. We have all missed you and your acute wit.Good luck and God speed in your travels, or should I say: Buena suerte y Dios te velocidad en tus viajes.
StelBel over 12 years ago
However it happens, it’s no fun at all. I remember how much I hurt after falling flat on my face on the sidewalk back in April. I still can’t believe that I didn’t lose all my teeth or that I still have a nose!What you need right now is rest. I’m glad everything checked out OK.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Omgosh!I was posting to Essex and talking on the phone… so it took a long time and I didnt see your post.
Don’t feel like you have to do anything tonight….I’m sure the party can wander back and forth between the carriage house and Stormy’s without your help.You can just hang out and enjoy it!Is this a coincidence or was I right to worry earlier today….I was about to write to you because your last post a couple of days ago said “everything is getting blurry.”
Maybe that was unrelated…. but maybe not.TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!
StelBel over 12 years ago
So, the polls are closed at this end and it’s a sure bet that Monkeyblues IS the new sheriff (at least on the east coast). I’ll see you all at one of the parties, I’m sure. But, just in case I do miss you, we’ll catch up in the morning. Good job, everybody!
Storm F-1/4 over 12 years ago
My friend, You don’t know me and frankly I don’t know myself all that much but I have been a quiet reader for a long time and you were one of the ones that made me love this Street. Go far, see all, smile long and smell a flower or two for me.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Look, everybody!
Ballard county election officials finally tracked down Warren….3 sheets to the wind in a bar in Laredo. (pretty much under it.)
When they asked him whether he wanted to concede, he said “Ballard who?”
Polls in CA are open for another hour and a half but with 98% of Ballard County precincts already closed, BSTV is reporting the election called…
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
MonkeyBlues…. here’s your birthday cake…I may not have made the only one but we can start with this:
Happy Birthday and Congratulations!
I have to run a couple of errands but I’ll be back soon!
Party on, everyone!Yay!!What a DAY!!
(Wow, while I’m out I may need to buy another pack of exclamation points…. I’m using them up so fast!
But I hate to pay retail…. I usually get them in bulk from x_Tech.Where ARE you, X?.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Stel! Come to the party!
Linguist over 12 years ago
Hey Bev, I’m glad you’re O.K. I was worried about you. Unfortunately, some of us ( not you, of course ), are at an age and stage that if you don’t hear from us for a couple of days, well…..Glad you’re back in time to party.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
Yippppeeeeeeeee…!!!!!hic*…….(brrrrrppppp)Hic*…….ummmpppfffhhhhh….. hic*Hipppeeee brrrrrppppffffhhh daaaaayHicTewwwwwww…. meeeeeeeeeeeee….Hic**Ow mahhed……..hic*
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 2 years ago
I think it’s a terrific idea the Stanleys have to offer a day of recognition – of local renown – to someone others deem to be worthy of such an honor. It would make a great birthday gift, especially for a little kid. Or a fitting tribute to a newly elected sheriff, such as Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML, above. I’m curious about the pricing model. So many variables to consider: subject weight, length of time, neighborhood(s) to be traversed, hills (!), inclement weather, choice of soundtrack, etc.
Tigressy over 2 years ago
Another whacko…
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 2 years ago
Wow… 64 comments minus the 3 from tonight (including this one) … all that’s left of probably a couple hundred….
including many pictures, links to music, and comments from people no longer on GoComics.
The election of Sheriff MonkeyBlues, and then his combination victory and birthday party… the first birthday party we had on Ballard Street.
Essex had been missing for months… he showed up to put in his vote for MonkeyBlues, and explain his absence… that’s why people are welcoming him back.
His comments are now missing.
Bev was late cos she had fallen on the sidewalk two days before, and been taken to the hospital. Her comments are also missing now.
But there are lots of replies here to both of them.
Cake and food and old friends… all now gone from the comments… but some of us, as you can see, are still here!
And we show up on Cleo and Company too.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 2 years ago
Good morning Balladeers, (((((Plods))))) and Miss Susan.