Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for August 28, 2012

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    mrbribery  over 12 years ago

    a joke worthy of “Gasoline Alley”!

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  2. Snoopy pensive typewriter
    The Life I Draw Upon  over 12 years ago

    Does it eat gas?

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    Varnes  over 12 years ago

    Corn, broccoli and asparagus are as tasty as any “Food”. Lima beans not so much….

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    finale  over 12 years ago

    Seasonings and preperation methods make any and all vegetables palatable and delicious. .Just remember the “3 B’s” :ButterBaconBatter

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  5. Code seal
    Cartoonacy  over 12 years ago

    Many people I know who claimed to hate vegetables grew up on the canned stuff, and change their mind after they’ve tasted fresh. You’re the first person I’ve ever heard of who prefers the canned stuff.

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    rcerinys701  over 12 years ago

    What is your avatar? It looks like a "My Little Pony with four legs on the left side and only two on the right.

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  7. Fishbulb
    fishbulb239  over 12 years ago

    Shrimp – tasty, but unhealthy and awful for the environment, since 98% of what shrimp trawlers pull in is by-catch (non-commercial fish that is just dumped overboard after the profitable harvest has been culled). Me? I’d rather skip the animal products and fried stuff & live a healthier life. Yes, I’m trading food that I love for food that I like, but in exchange I’ve lost 30 pounds, I feel better, and I’ll suffer fewer maladies as I get older. Plus, my appreciation for veggies has increased, and I hardly miss animal products. To me, it’s a fantastic trade-off – win-win-win-etc.

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    Varnes  over 12 years ago

    OK, as long as we are on the subject, my advice is to stay away, from carbs as much as possible Carbohydrates are just complex sugars. In less than a minute, it all becomes a simple sugar that must be used immediately or stored as fat somewhere. It’s as simple of that. Screw pasta, and bread. We don’t need all that "energy, we don’t use it and it becomes fat. We don’t even need it to keep us regular or scape out our colon…that’s why they invented broccoli, asparagus and corn….

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  9. A40 austin devon
    Ooten Aboot  over 12 years ago

    @finaleJust add salt and you have BS. Worst culinary advice I’ve heard. Roast your vegetables with just enough olive oil to prevent sticking. Roasted Brussels sprouts, beets and many others are like candy.

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    Gojira  over 12 years ago

    Arlo is certainly not the kind of person who would call himself a “foodie”.

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