C'est la Vie by Jennifer Babcock for August 28, 2012

  1. Large msmokey1
    The missing M. Smokey  over 12 years ago

    Think I have time 4 your dumb questions?

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  2. Heraldexaminer jiggs
    Buzza Wuzza  over 12 years ago

    u r so rite

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  3. 4 8 8 2
    Peabody-Martini  over 12 years ago

    Get angry, break out the poison pen, problem solved, sort of. One more regret to live with but thatā€™s okay if self flagellation happens to be your lifestyle choice.

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  4. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 12 years ago

    Nah, not the bag-head, Mona! Just email Lucas a venomous excoriation! Thatā€™ll get him back [sarcasm font]!

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  5. Ag prefect
    AgProv  over 12 years ago

    speaking of communications going awry, Iā€™m really angry right now that Facebook have disabled my account! Canā€™t get in, canā€™t communicate, and there isnā€™t a clear reason WHY Iā€™m blocked. iā€™ve asked then to extract a digit and either restore the account or give me a clear reason for the ban that I can contest, but till then Iā€™m screwed. I just cannot see WHY ā€“ the only problem Iā€™ve ben having is that it logs me out, loses my posts and forces me to log in again, up to fifteen times a session. Ironically, the last thing I posted was a request for help in dealing with this! Ah well. Could I ask: there must be other people here who go to the CLV pages or are online friends/followers of Jennifer B. If a message can go out to say Paul Catlowā€™s account is currently disabled for reasons unknown, Iā€™d be gratefulā€¦

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  6. Ag prefect
    AgProv  over 12 years ago

    Ah. Iā€™m the Paul Catlow from Manchester, England. If the stuff is still there, I ID myself with the family coat of arms ā€“ three black wolfā€™s heads on a white background. (shorthand for ā€œoutlawā€) . Had a birthday yesterday, my fiftieth, so activity on my acount was abnormal. Also been having lots of login issues ā€“ I suspect the ā€œdisableā€ is a complication of this and itā€™ll resolve itself. I have emailed FB and asked for further explanations and told ā€˜em Iā€™m not impressed! Anything specific needed? Thank you, btw.

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  7. Ag prefect
    AgProv  over 12 years ago

    Brunei? nowhere so exotic! Nope, theyā€™ve probably taken my page down completely while Iā€™m in the sin-bin. My avatar was a coat of arms, a white shield with three left-facing wolfsā€™ heads on (mediaeval sign of an outlaw. How fitting). The second line after my name proclaimed my university links, UEA, Norwich, England. I have emailed FB to ask what the bloody hell is going on here, then. And if Iā€™m on trial for any misdemeanours, iā€™d love to know the charges an whoā€™s bringing them. Thanks for all help, anyway!

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  8. Ag prefect
    AgProv  over 12 years ago

    Hi Cybergal! alas, nothing so grand. Brentford FC are a london club, Iā€™m based Manchester/North Wales. I do not have a moninated favourite side. the manor house ā€“ might b e another Paul Catlow, who I know, who owns his own hotel (envy envy). Thereare qite a few of us on FB which is confusing as itā€™s such a rare name! Thank you for looking, anyway. If FB have not taken it down, look for an avatar which is a coat of arms, a white shield with three left-facing wolfsā€™ heads on (mediaeval sign of an outlaw. How fitting). Damn, Iā€™m getting FB withdrawal twitchā€¦

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  9. Ag prefect
    AgProv  over 12 years ago

    Thanks to all for help. I kind of suspected people on here might be people I see on FB under different names! Iā€™ve primed one or two people who coveer different interest groups on FB to post messages and I thank them for it, also to the kind people here who are helping! Yup ā€“ it is highly ironic weā€™re dealing with a Facebook snafu here! As AgProv, iā€™m also on LiveJournal (reaxctivated an old blog account) and h2g2, a fine site I would refer anyone to. Also FFN, the FanFiction Network, where I go under the name of A.A. Pessimal. Anyone needing to ask why has not read Terry Pratchett. There, plugs over!

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  10. 100 2451
    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Iā€™m telling you, 3000 miles is NOWHERE near enough.

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