Guilty as charged…. my teeth are particularly tight in some spots and this has happened to me before. Usually I would just carefully pull it from one side so that it can slide out completely.
When it happens to me I just set the floss as low as it will go and pull forward. Works every time, even though I does feel kind of weird. Then I give the rest of the spool to my husband and pick up a thinner floss.
renrod001 over 12 years ago
Please tell me this never really happens. LOL.
llong65 over 12 years ago
though he had dentures??
Scroogeman over 12 years ago
Only in the comics it can happen.
Dani Rice over 12 years ago
Oh, believe me, it can happen! I once removed a crown tugging on recalcitrant tooth twine.
ncalifgirl58 over 12 years ago
Mine gets stuck sometimes but not that bad. lol
Hunter7 over 12 years ago
reminds me of way back when I was getting a new batch of braces. Back when they were shiny metal and were laced with wires.
starlilies over 12 years ago
Guilty as charged…. my teeth are particularly tight in some spots and this has happened to me before. Usually I would just carefully pull it from one side so that it can slide out completely.
emikab over 12 years ago
When it happens to me I just set the floss as low as it will go and pull forward. Works every time, even though I does feel kind of weird. Then I give the rest of the spool to my husband and pick up a thinner floss.