Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for August 31, 2012
mother nature has sentenced the boys to nature boot camp.... piece of cake. we can do few weeks in the wild. RJ: We'll get some sun. some exercise. it'll be fun. verne: maybe we'll never leave. ha ha ha ha ha! RJ: I haven't touched my toes since 1987. verne: My extended wear lenses are only good for three weeks.
unnormal over 12 years ago
Mm . . . wonder if they’ll meet up wid da Bear.He may be their DI.May want to make each of them a DI: Dinner Item.
ShortStraw over 12 years ago
Mother Nature, NOT A GOOD IDEA. Nature will never be the same after those 2 get done with it.
bubbareb over 12 years ago
Only in a perfect universe. Real torture would be Mitt Romney.
A.Ficionada over 12 years ago
Glad someone brought up Hammy. Funny, he didn’t get tagged on this one, too… I give these guys a morning of back to nature training before they’re crying to their mothers!
Stephen Gilberg over 12 years ago
How old is RJ?! Even in captivity, 25 years is a stretch for raccoons. Must be those immortal Twinkies.