Betty by Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen for September 14, 2012

  1. Medammit
    lisajwalton  over 12 years ago

    She’s going to quit. I give it another week.

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  2. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 12 years ago

    Is there a book called “How to Serve Mankind” around?

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  3. 212
    jackianne1020  over 12 years ago

    He’s worked there two years? That’s a record for a startup, isn’t?

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  4. Heavenly
    Magnolia42  over 12 years ago

    Sounds like Google!

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  5. Spideychuck
    sleeepy2  over 12 years ago

    Betty got hit by a bus on her first morning going to work. This is the afterlife.

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  6. Missing large
    Zanere  over 12 years ago

    Betty,… Betty, Wake up!!!

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  7. Gerberadaisy
    Tirasmol  over 12 years ago

    I need to know where this place is, I want to work there.

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    fruegade  over 12 years ago

    Just enjoy it, and save up some of the money you make…. Oh, sorry, they didn’t pay you yet?

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    elysummers  over 12 years ago

    I want this job if she quits.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Sorry to hear that Betty.

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  11. Billcat
    tbritt99  over 12 years ago

    It’s probably one of those “too good to be true” moments where everyone will turn into vampires in the end.

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  12. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  over 12 years ago

    I’ve heard whispers of places like this……. I think Betty might be working for something like EA. Develop games, videos, cool, neat things for movies. That kind of place. Those gaming developers get some really nice perks. .so says the whispers I have heard.

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  13. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I worked for a place like this for 3 months. Then they laid a bunch of us off and went belly up 2 months later.

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    Jean_1960  over 12 years ago

    People, that’s great. Where my husband works they’re treated like employees.

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    Jean_1960  over 12 years ago

    @foudnry 37 I think Betty will adapt very well. The questions are will they decide she fits in and hire her permanently and will the company stay in business. I love it. But my guess is Betty will go on to other jobs, that would provide more material for the strip.

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