Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs for October 26, 2012

  1. 09 28 2003 03 23 20pm 2
    quartermain  over 12 years ago

    Oh, Oh, will we have a case of Amnesia?

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  2. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 12 years ago

    and jane stands aside in the hallway watching her husband engage in battle instead of alerting the authorities who i am SURE would be there in a heartbeat! Enjoy your little male bonding time tarzan, i’m off to the local branch of Macy’s to find some FABULOUS outfits to wear while swinging from vines in teh jungle! lol

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  3. Buni happy
    PatyAnn  over 12 years ago

    Wait a minute! Tarzan trips?

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  4. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 12 years ago

    yeh patyann, they dont have plush deep pile carpeting in the jungle, lol

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  5. Missing large
    titus_groan  over 12 years ago

    @Quartermanin. It will be a case alright: Tarzan v Jungle Hotel for damages

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    profkatz  over 12 years ago

    Didn’t someone have a gun in yesterday’s thrilling installment…where did it go, or was it a water pistol accessory to the Halloween costumes these three characters were fighting over? Tarzan probably tripped over Dr. Cyrus Vance’s clear plastic high-heeled stripper shoe, but that “plush” shag 1960s carpet will cushion his fall!Meanwhile Jane is mezmerized by all of those strange looking men running out of Room 205, but no sign of Tarzan!OMG, has the Nairobi Hills Mall shopping “adventure” been postponed, “Dearie”? Darn, I was so looking forward to seeing all the Fall fashions! :)> YeeUmgowa!!

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  7. Curly pres
    jmcx4  over 12 years ago

    Me, I trip over a dog, or two, almost every morning.

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  8. Sonoma wine trip 2011 058
    eskimo quinn  over 12 years ago

    Tarzan loves to fight rather than dons a suit, sports a tie and go out to diner with Jane…

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