Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for September 18, 2012

  1. Scrat
    hometownk Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Francis, you are a genius.

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  2. Scrat
    hometownk Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Hmm. Did I post before anyone else? Gee. How about that. Here I sit sipping Amaretto (di Saronno brand is the best) and eating cheese doodles. We call them cheezies. Same diff. It is late and I really should be in bed. But I’m not.

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  3. Festerface
    gary4160  over 12 years ago

    can i have some cheezies im at work at this hour!

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  4. Missing large
    NightHawk2005  over 12 years ago

    Actually, Nate, it rewards slackers like you. All you have to do is not goof off and you get a free 20 percent. Couldn’t be easier.

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  5.  js  me
    Feed Me Comics!  over 12 years ago

    its 3.33pm right now and i got back from school twenty minutes ago. plus, we don’t call them cheez doodles, cheesies or stuff like that…we have twisties…but i dont know if you have them in america or if they’re like cheez doodles.@Suzanne: Is Amaretto like tea?

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  6.  js  me
    Feed Me Comics!  over 12 years ago

    looking up at the comments, sounds like not only kids like bignate.

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  7. Bignate
    Ninjoark  over 12 years ago

    Cheez Doodles? Cheesies? HEY PEOPLE WE CALL EM TWISTIES

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  8. Scared
    thouÏ€  over 12 years ago

    Francis is always able to read Nate’s mind

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  9. Scared
    thouÏ€  over 12 years ago

    I’m so jealous the States have so much more food than over here, like Dr Pepper is rarely sold in Singapore

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  10.  js  me
    Feed Me Comics!  over 12 years ago

    sorry for heaps of comments XDplus i’m no bad speller, just doing short but easy to understand words so itz quicker!

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  11. Art figure bathing ducky funny anatomy 3 800x 1
    just-ducky  over 12 years ago

    There is a simple solution here. Raise your hand for every question, if you get called on if you know the answer answer the question. If you don’t know the answer simple state “I don’t know the answer, but I am participating”

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  12. Ronald reagan
    OldestandWisest  over 12 years ago

    Nate is right about one thing. I’ve had classes where class participation counted and there were always a lot of people who would always be saying something just to be saying something and not because they actually had anything interesting to contribute to the discussion.

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  13. Missing large
    Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Good point Francis. For once.

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  14. Missing large
    elysummers  over 12 years ago

    I thought so too when I was in school. I was uber shy.

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  15. Dr cesspool
    byamrcn  over 12 years ago

    It also rewards people who have nothing of substance to contribute but try to make some bland statement or ask an unnecessary question just to get participation points. The whole concept is just plain bad.

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  16. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I think this started when Nate got caught “asleep at the wheel”…….stressing class participation will (or “should” in best-case scenario) encourage students to stay awake, at least, while class is going on………..

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  17. 20141103 115559
    Potrzebie  over 12 years ago

    I’ll bet that Nate knows all sorts of useless sports facts though. Only career for him is as a sports announcer.

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  18. Nateburst
    bignate creator over 12 years ago

    No, Peppermint Patty is not a part of Big Nate. And she’s definitely not Nate’s mom. She’s a character from “Peanuts.” I think the reason she was mentioned was that, just like Nate in yesterday’s strip, Peppermint Patty would often fall asleep in class.

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  19. Death
    ard1092  over 12 years ago

    its called just do the work and you don’t have to do it correctly

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  20. Missing large
    Fourcrows  over 12 years ago

    Well, schadenfreude is a term generally used in English because it beautifully describes getting pleasure from someone else’s misfortune (in this case, drinking Moxie). Not a lot of people speak German here, French is much more common since we border Quebec. However, I did live in Trier, Germany for six months, and my job had me working in Trier, Cochem, Koln, and Bitburg, so I can read quite a bit of it. As far as speaking it, I learned the important phrases, like “eine bier, bitte.”

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  21. Masked
    Rickapolis  over 12 years ago

    Yep. And once you can fake honesty and sincerity you have it made.

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  22. Miserichord5small
    Miserichord  over 12 years ago

    I last studied German in 1976.Amazingly, I understood what you wrote.

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  23. Picture 1
    Sonicx79  about 11 years ago

    Your making me all hungry

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  24. B64722956e063b03073cc105a10eb98e
    Harry Potato  almost 8 years ago

    I am Harry Potato, also known as The-Potato-That-Lived. Good-Bye now!!!

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  25. Photo
    ProcatTheawesome  almost 7 years ago


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  26. Snowglobe
    Snowglobe  almost 7 years ago

    My twins, Joe and Max were born on this day!

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  27. Batman gold by happywnz d3dln2v  1
    Bruce Wayne  over 4 years ago

    I’m more upset about how Mrs. Godfrey weights homework and tests the same at thirty percent (you can see it in the strip from the previous day)

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  28. Killuabuthairline
    Killua Zoldyck  almost 4 years ago

    too bad that’s not how life works!

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