Wizard of Id by Parker and Hart for September 05, 2012

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    rshive  over 12 years ago

    But I do like the smiley face.

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    Steve Bartholomew  over 12 years ago

    You also need to outsource your jobs to the Huns.

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  3. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  over 12 years ago

    What an IDiot!

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    rockngolfer  over 12 years ago

    “You didn’t build that” even though SOMEBODY built the infrastrustructure.

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    mrbribery  over 12 years ago

    everything must GO!

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    BigChiefDesoto  over 12 years ago

    Sounds just like the United States. Except that our ‘king’ doesn’t have brains enough to run the place like a business!! In fact our Congress and the EPA do their best to run every business OUT of the United States!!!

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    King_Shark  over 12 years ago

    Just have the Wiz magick up some gold.

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    kc2idv  over 12 years ago

    Just in time for the Democratic National Convention. Do you think they will take the hint?

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    ToborRedrum  over 12 years ago

    4 out of 5 new businesses go bankrupt in their first year.

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    Phosphoros  over 12 years ago

    Oh the many reasons why this would never work:

    •The free market (if it really existed) is about the exchange of goods and services – fair exchange which is duly regulated by competition. This competition can only be hampered by protectionism, tariffs or regulation (favors to the politically favored and fines on lesser competition for political purposes.)•The government gets its revenues by force, coercion or the threat of violence, though tax levy. The ‘customer’ has no choice – either in what he pays or what he receives.•This destroys the price mechanism; it destroys the economic calculations & analysis the provider (business) must make in conveying the good or service to the consumer in the most efficient way.•The ‘consumer’ gets whatever the State dishes out; prices are set by political means and not by merit, not by business acumen or quality or good marketing.

    Suffice it to say that the best management guru with pure intentions could not really make it work. And the Fink King has not demonstrated noble intentions. ;-)

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    watmiwori  over 12 years ago

    King Fink has been giving his subjects the business for years!

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago


    When gas is passed out my backside, you’ll be the 2nd one to know.

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago

    In 1970, the U.S. government recalled 1 million cases of tuna because of contamination.Source of the contamination?Ground-up reeps mixed with the tuna.Good government in protecting us all.

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago


    Absolutely right in your comment.Nobody builds ANYTHING on their own.None of us lives in complete isolation in this world.As Obama so rightly pointed out, if you built something, you had a hell of a lot of HELP along the way.This “I built that” mentality is only in the mind of those who are hopelessly egocentric, needing to inflate their already gargantuan egos.Would like to recommend the truth behind Jack Gilchrist’s (the romney ad’s I built that star,)claim based upon an article on him in the Manchester (N.H.)Union Leader on July 23, 2012.

    Link needs be entered carefully, as it’s easy to slip.


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    martymac  over 12 years ago

    sounds like obozo is trying to lead two nations. failing at both.

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago


    There’s a saying-“if you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention”.Anyone who knows the true nature of the crap being thrown at Obama knows that Obama stands falsely accused of what is thrown at him. Obviously, you’re just not paying attention, or you choose to ignore what’s going on.You’re part of those lured by the “dogwhistle” appeal to race and class bias employed by the reeps, and guess what?You’re failing to see that you’re being manipulated like a pawn on a chess board.Or maybe you’re just listening to your own dislike of the color of Obama’s skin.

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  over 12 years ago

    Fink, you thief! Take off that apron before the cast of Rose Is Rose sue your [Cuckoo] for trademark infringement of their “joys of happiness” symbols!

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago

    @Guard SGT

    You have great loyalty to your beliefs. Would that they would be more closely aligned to the truth of what goes on in D.C.It’s all about that green stuff, my friend, and the politicians and what money buys. Much worse this year due to Supremes (thanks so much, Supremes) and Citizens United ruling.Have 1st hand knowledge of postal operations, and could go into much detail of the P.O.‘s background of financial woes, and have done so in another comments section.Mainly, the P.O. is where it is because of a requirement to prefund retiree benefits for 75 years into the future in 10 years’ time.This requirement was passed by Congress at the behest of lobbyists, politicians, and bulk mailers who make up 90% of revenue to the P.O.,who want to buy the entire political system..75 years’ prefunding for people who haven’t even been hired yet, and probably won’t be, because the P.O. likely will not survive that long.The purpose of the prefunding thing is to bankrupt the P.O., causing public outcry for its privatisation, as the P.O. is largely unionised, and union workers tend to vote Dem. Also, resentment by the public of the union wages postal workers receive.You were in the service-you know, divide and conquer, the oldest military maxim.Plus, no business wants to have to deal with unions and to pay LIVING WAGES.No other business in this whole ridiculous country has such an idiotic prefunding requirement, and most have no worries here since they long ago left workers to provide for their own retirement.The P.O. receives NO TAX MONEY.Operations are financed by stamps, postal services, and revenue from bulk mailers, (90 % of postal revenue),but this doesn’t give them the right to destroy what was begun as a SERVICE to the public around 1790. USPS-the last S stands for SERVICE.All mail thrown into the mailstream by Joe Sixpack is only about 10% of postal revenue, so the crap about the internet destroying the P.O. is just that-crap.The real action is from the bulk mailers of all the junk mail, magazines, catalogs, etc. that get stuffed into your mailbox, which they pay greatly discounted rates to do, already.They pay at least 10 cents less PER Letter than we all pay. Haven’t checked lately, and don’t know how much all the other stuff is discounted. All revenue lost to the P.O.This adds up to a hell of a lot of money yearly, probably in the trillions..Could go on and on, but am sure many are bored already, if they have read this far, but it’s the truth of the matter.It’s all about $$$ and union-busting.Wish we had you on our side, my friend.

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  19. Galapagos tortoise 3r
    PShaw0423  over 12 years ago

    We don’t need to run our country like a business. We need to run it with the brains God gave a head of lettuce. Namely:.Decide, together, what kind of society we want…essentially, who does what for whom (or to whom).Decide, together, the best roles of government in that society.Decide, together, how to make each piece of it happen.Decide, together, how to pay for each piece of it, by taxes and/or cuts elsewhere.Then, stop talking and do it..Ground rules:.Stonewalling at any point just because you didn’t get your way is not allowed. Grow up, and deal with the reality that not everyone thinks like you.If it doesn’t work out, don’t argue about whose fault it is — just go back through the steps as needed..No, I don’t really think it could happen. Too many people are too selfish, stubborn, and generally stupid. But at least keeping this in mind would show us how and why we’re going wrong.

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago

    Guard SGT

    You were in the service, in Iraq and elsewhere.Anyone ever in the service has been told that part of the reason you were there was to protect our right to vote.@2012-Witness all the reep efforts all over the map to suppress the vote thru stricter voter ID laws and to severely cutback early voting to prevent those who have benefitted from same in the past, plus less strict voter ID,from being able to vote because they tend to vote Dem. Thus rigging the election.The new “patriotic” American way-if you can’t win, cheat. But they want others to fight our wars.(Their wars).Believe you to be a truly patriotic man, from your posts, and respect you for this, but we’re all being manipulated, and that does not translate as patriotism on the part of those doing the manipulating.

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    stripseeker  over 12 years ago


    Terrific post.Only wish that had a printer to print all this stuff out.Perhaps what you wish to see may come to pass in future incarnations, after the good Lord feels we’ve had enough time to think things over, to evolve, and to have finally grown up.….the brains God gave a head of lettuce…..Great!Gotta remember this one. Have also seen a poster stating:“over 25% of human genes are the same as those of a banana. Get over yourself.”.We need have the same wisdom of heads of lettuce and bananas. They give of themselves to others-to us.We should be able to do the same.Thanks for your great post.

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  22. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  over 12 years ago

    Castle Wall——Mart

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    dtayls  over 12 years ago

    Coming soon to a car lot near you: IDiot Motors.

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    dtayls  over 12 years ago

    AshburnStadium, please spare us the Communist Bullshit.

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  25. Marion usmc 1942
    WW2 Marine Veteran  over 12 years ago

    The first panel looks like our government!

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