The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for June 18, 2014
Dusty: Esmeralda!! It's me...Dusty! Boone: And Boone! Dusty: Boone...I could sure use your help in gettin' me on mah horse again. Boone: Sure, Dusty! How can I help? Dusty: Build me a little staircase in the woodshop so I can climb it to get on Esmerelda. Boone: tall is she? Nurse Ludmilla: I am seeing two elderly men chasing horse across field with yardstick, Ms. Overdunne. Miss Overdunne: Sounds like a couple of my boys have gone feral... In the pasture next to the Elderpark Retirement Home:
Dkram over 10 years ago
Everybody knows horses are measured by hands..\\//_