To rshiveBack in college we did that for a prank at a local restaurant.They had “Shirt and Shoes required”5 of us including two girls walked in wearing nothing but a “Shirt and shoes” They were long shirts but the suggestion was there. The owner called the cops who we already knew and had let him know what we were doing.He showed up in his car came in wearing nothing but his PD shirt, gun belt and shoes. (He was the chief anyway what was the owner going to do)We all over town did not like the owner he was mean and cranky. If you sat at the table talking after your meal he would come over and tell you to leave go talk somewhere else. If you only order coffee or tea or just sat down with your friends. He would come over and tell you if you are not eating you must leave. Real pain in butt.
A tieless Johnny Carson once entered a restaurant where ties were required. When he was given a courtesy tie to wear he promptly removed his shoes since there was no rule about dining shoeless.
naturally_easy over 12 years ago
Nowadays shorts are 9/10s as long as full length pants so what’s the problem?
eddie6192 over 12 years ago
Ziggy’s favorite restaurant.
144 Cent over 12 years ago
No problem, he’s about to take them off anyway.
rshive over 12 years ago
Love those signs that say “Shirt and Shoes Required.” I guess that means everything else is optional.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
To rshiveBack in college we did that for a prank at a local restaurant.They had “Shirt and Shoes required”5 of us including two girls walked in wearing nothing but a “Shirt and shoes” They were long shirts but the suggestion was there. The owner called the cops who we already knew and had let him know what we were doing.He showed up in his car came in wearing nothing but his PD shirt, gun belt and shoes. (He was the chief anyway what was the owner going to do)We all over town did not like the owner he was mean and cranky. If you sat at the table talking after your meal he would come over and tell you to leave go talk somewhere else. If you only order coffee or tea or just sat down with your friends. He would come over and tell you if you are not eating you must leave. Real pain in butt.
Doug Taylor Premium Member over 12 years ago
A tieless Johnny Carson once entered a restaurant where ties were required. When he was given a courtesy tie to wear he promptly removed his shoes since there was no rule about dining shoeless.
Thunderdog2 over 12 years ago
He can always refer them as ‘high-level floods’.
jrcarter53 over 12 years ago
What passes for shorts these days we called high-water pants back when I was in school. Look at how the shorts basketball players wear have changed.
boldyuma over 12 years ago
“Pants On The Ground..Pants On The Ground.”
“Acting Like A Fool With Your Pants On The Ground.”
“With Your Cap Turned Sideways”
“Acting Like A Fool With Your Pants On The Ground.”
(The General/American Idol contestant)
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
To truecanadianliberalShoot you mean you Canadians wear shorts? I mean a liberal Canadian? C’mon enjoy the breeze, the fresh air, the freedom