My daughter has two golden’s one female was treated badly by prior owner and loves belly rubs, the male 4 years younger is attention hog. Both are spoiled. The male loves chewing wood. The female loves begging and no she does not get everything she begs for and on stict diet.
Strod over 12 years ago
OldestandWisest over 12 years ago
That cliche does need updating—most dog owners spoil them even more rotten than they spoil their kids. (Not necessarily a good thing.)
kab2rb over 12 years ago
My daughter has two golden’s one female was treated badly by prior owner and loves belly rubs, the male 4 years younger is attention hog. Both are spoiled. The male loves chewing wood. The female loves begging and no she does not get everything she begs for and on stict diet.