One Big Happy by Rick Detorie for March 29, 2014

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    ladykat Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I’ve been saying that to the snow for a month! Finally, temperatures in Barrie are creeping above freezing.

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  2. Ron guitar avatar
    StratmanRon  almost 11 years ago

    “Barrie”? Ontario?

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    ladymadcat  almost 11 years ago

    I keep having the same conversation with winter!It just won’t listen!

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  4. Screenshot 2021 07 15 134229   the rolling cat
    The Rolling Cat  almost 11 years ago

    Rain is something I frequently remind myself not to complain about too much, given that I fear what would happen if there was a lack of it. That said, three days in a row would make me a bit stir crazy.

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