PHANTOM: The cat isn’t happy. RRRRRRJUDGE PARKER: I don’t think Bea is guilty of anything…but Avery does. What will he say to her? Or will he want to avoid her?REX MORGAN: Are the conversations yesterday & today foreshadowing an upcoming problem (re Sarah)? FUNKY W: I had to look up “verklempt” and found it’s a Yiddish word.ON A CLAIRE DAY: I had to look up “tiburon” – I think this means shark in Spanish, but not the fish – something like a loan “shark.” I do get that “donde” means “where.”
Rex – Will Sarah be kidnapped or will Heather have a medical emergency?Judge Parker – I’m not placing any bets on the outcome. I just remember she greeted them with a hammer.
Sundays Phantom: Does anyone know what the purpose of Hendrik telling P. about the robbery was?Mark Trail: It looks like Rusty is going to have to change his underwear.
davidf42 over 12 years ago
Rex Morgan – They’re stalling. It’ll be next week before we see the bathing suit.Judge Parker – I still think Bea is innocent.
florchi over 12 years ago
PHANTOM: The cat isn’t happy. RRRRRRJUDGE PARKER: I don’t think Bea is guilty of anything…but Avery does. What will he say to her? Or will he want to avoid her?REX MORGAN: Are the conversations yesterday & today foreshadowing an upcoming problem (re Sarah)? FUNKY W: I had to look up “verklempt” and found it’s a Yiddish word.ON A CLAIRE DAY: I had to look up “tiburon” – I think this means shark in Spanish, but not the fish – something like a loan “shark.” I do get that “donde” means “where.”
arye uygur over 12 years ago
REX MORGAN: I agree with Florchi about foreshadowing a future problem with Sarah.
APT3G: Yum, baklava. I love baklava with a glass of coldwater.
MARY WORTH: If Dawn is getting college credit for volunteering is it truly volunteering?
marvee over 12 years ago
Rex – Will Sarah be kidnapped or will Heather have a medical emergency?Judge Parker – I’m not placing any bets on the outcome. I just remember she greeted them with a hammer.
woodworker318 over 12 years ago
Sundays Phantom: Does anyone know what the purpose of Hendrik telling P. about the robbery was?Mark Trail: It looks like Rusty is going to have to change his underwear.
SWEETBILL over 12 years ago
REX- I hope Heather and Sarah remember to feed Sarah’sdog!!!!!
3G- Ya margo you tell them slackers- you have a real job-besides baklave might make you sweet!!!
MW- Dawn’s busy schedule will help her mentally and physically – no time to think about past guy relationships..
JP- One big happy family- time for Bubba to make an appearance
marvee over 12 years ago