I think it was Anatol France who said: “When people realize they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury, democracy will end.” I’m relying on my faulty memory, but that was the gist of the quote.
You know, it just dawned on me why this current story line is so good: Senator Kevin is a great vehicle to take shots at BOTH Presidential candidate. From where he’s coming from, this is the ultimate for the comics in being fair and balanced. Way to go, Scott.
Doctor Go over 12 years ago
You think that seeing the Mother Jones video helped Carmen change her mind?
catzilla23 over 12 years ago
I think it was Anatol France who said: “When people realize they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury, democracy will end.” I’m relying on my faulty memory, but that was the gist of the quote.
Potrzebie over 12 years ago
I wonder if the regressives have pegged the progressive that recorded Mittens at that dinner yet? You know that soon he/she will be outed in public.
KPOM over 12 years ago
Kevin’s very persuasive.
joe vignone over 12 years ago
Who’s he gonna get to spy on Mittens and uncover his tax returns?
Steveh16 over 12 years ago
The Roman Republic was an evil empire from it’s very beginning. Unless you believe that invading and enslaving your neighbors doesn’t count as evil.
Spade Jr. over 12 years ago
You know, it just dawned on me why this current story line is so good: Senator Kevin is a great vehicle to take shots at BOTH Presidential candidate. From where he’s coming from, this is the ultimate for the comics in being fair and balanced. Way to go, Scott.