I do not now, nor have I ever understood how anyone ever thought texting while driving (or doing anything else, for that matter) was a sane, let alone good, idea.
It’s a condition of my employment that I never text or use any other data function on any wireless device while driving any vehicle irrespective of local laws to the contrary. Should it ever become illegal to use voice functions on a wireless device in my area, I’ll be subject to termination for violating that, too.
rshive over 12 years ago
Those distractions do you in every time. An obvious sting operation gone wrong.
tbritt99 over 12 years ago
justalurkr over 12 years ago
I do not now, nor have I ever understood how anyone ever thought texting while driving (or doing anything else, for that matter) was a sane, let alone good, idea.
It’s a condition of my employment that I never text or use any other data function on any wireless device while driving any vehicle irrespective of local laws to the contrary. Should it ever become illegal to use voice functions on a wireless device in my area, I’ll be subject to termination for violating that, too.
stripseeker over 12 years ago
Want a cell phone that just makes phone calls.Am on a tight budget.
Phosphoros over 12 years ago
This is a la… “Frank and Ernest”. It’s “Frank and Ernestian”. :-)
TheAuldWan over 12 years ago
GROAN! Good one, too.
Phatts over 12 years ago
nuh uh . . .water is blue . . . and in New Jersey, the sky is wet . . .
iced tea over 12 years ago
Good one! LOL! :D