He’d get such a hard time from his friends dressed as a baby, but good try, Lizzie. LOL!How about being a grumpy dentist, Michael? You’d scare everyone.
Best costume ever – kid comes to our house with little boxes of cereal with knives thru them taped all over. I ask what he is. wait for it … “a cereal killer”
pouncingtiger over 12 years ago
Since Elizabeth is dressed up like Elly, Michael should go as John.
RetroJenny over 12 years ago
Michael could go as a question mark.
psychlady over 12 years ago
I can see them getting older again. April will be here soon.
lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago
He’d get such a hard time from his friends dressed as a baby, but good try, Lizzie. LOL!How about being a grumpy dentist, Michael? You’d scare everyone.
ewalnut over 12 years ago
Mike can go as a depraved dentist wielding a huge hand drill.
danlarios over 12 years ago
he’s not as dumb as he looks
tazz555 over 12 years ago
I know Michael should go as a struggling writer who is a husband and father of 2 who’s house catches fire and runs into it to save his manuscript.
gabrielh81 over 12 years ago
Best costume ever – kid comes to our house with little boxes of cereal with knives thru them taped all over. I ask what he is. wait for it … “a cereal killer”