he should have just left it at a welcoming committee and skipped the part about being locked out. Of course she would have figured it out in a minute but he would not have sounded so goofy.
What a good laugh. I guess Earl and Roscoe slept on the front step last night…or did he go over to his friend, Clyde? I’ll be surprised if the house is neat and tidy. LOL
one good shot with the boot at the back-door. works for burglars. Oh: just let your insurance agent find out you have given any of your keys out. either no insurance, or a factor of 6 to 10 increase in payments. loaned out keys also terminate any police criminal investigations, too. best location for spare: under the center of the compost heap.
Llewellenbruce over 12 years ago
Can’t remember the last time I saw Earl hug Opal.
orinoco womble over 12 years ago
This will really help their relationship for a good bit, he’ll be so glad to be warm and fed!
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
No neighbor has a spare key?
jeanie5448 over 12 years ago
he should have just left it at a welcoming committee and skipped the part about being locked out. Of course she would have figured it out in a minute but he would not have sounded so goofy.
jslabotnik over 12 years ago
Earl I could see losing the key, but I thought Roscoe was smarter than that
Number Three over 12 years ago
LOL LOL! Excellent.
ewalnut over 12 years ago
Good thing he didn’t lose the key until the previous night.
MarshaHeimlich over 12 years ago
Where’s muffin?
riverhawk over 12 years ago
H blew it, should have let her think he was waiting for her . For her sake not his
hsawlrae over 12 years ago
Also a sink full of dishes.
jtviper7 over 12 years ago
I guess Nelson went home ( for a change )…
ncalifgirl58 over 12 years ago
Too funny. lol
Kathe over 12 years ago
What a good laugh. I guess Earl and Roscoe slept on the front step last night…or did he go over to his friend, Clyde? I’ll be surprised if the house is neat and tidy. LOL
Perkycat over 12 years ago
True to form.
lecrenb over 12 years ago
They couldn’t go next door to his daughter’s?
Lyons Group, Inc. over 12 years ago
Well at least it beats having to not…(you know where I’m going with this!)
angusdad over 12 years ago
Opal is in for surprise when she gets inside. Because Earl was locked out, he didn’t have time to clean up the house.
amaryllis2 Premium Member over 12 years ago
That’s why we have a front lock that opens with a key or a combination, whichever’s most handy.
dfowensby over 12 years ago
one good shot with the boot at the back-door. works for burglars. Oh: just let your insurance agent find out you have given any of your keys out. either no insurance, or a factor of 6 to 10 increase in payments. loaned out keys also terminate any police criminal investigations, too. best location for spare: under the center of the compost heap.
Bill Chapman over 12 years ago
Oh-oh! that means that Earl may NOT have gotten things cleaned up either……
Daniel Aplet over 12 years ago
yes that was touching now wasn’t it.
JP Steve Premium Member over 12 years ago
I thought he was waiting on the front porch to get in some Brownie points before she saw the state the house was in!
jkhandy over 12 years ago