Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for April 11, 2010
Alice: Petey, read me this one with the squirrel! Petey: It's a dog. The dog says - Alice: Does he know about this cat? Who's this ugly baby? Why isn't this guy sharing his sandwich? Petey: Those are all different comics. Alice: Look! Alligators! They're hungry for dogs and cats and ugly babies! They're loose! Petey: No, those are - Alice: Arh! Arh! ARH! The alligators are eating everybody! Even the guy's sandwich! Petey: QUIT IT! Alice: Eeyoo. I've got ink on my hands! Petey: You got jelly all over my comics! Alice: If comics were drawn with laundry markers, this wouldn't happen. Petey: Now I've got to read them online.
What a clever little joke aimed at us online readers!