Looks like Mom is thinking with her pocketbook and not her heart. Of course, if Mom just goes into delay mode and stalls (“Lets talk to Dad when he gets home.”), Alice will likely be fixated on something else by then.
When I was around Alice’s age my mom came home from an event all excited because she’d won a raffle for ballet lesson for me. It was only one session, but I had fun, we recently found the old tape of the recital and it starts with our teacher showing us where to stand as we jiggled excitedly;]
Mom, it might be cheaper to skip the lessons and just hire a crowd to clap and throw flowers for her on the manhole, since adulation is really all she seeks.
C 9 months ago
You’ll have to change your name to Nina and listen to 70s ♬
Its just me 9 months ago
I first read that as smack. Need my brain checked I think.
TampaFanatic1 9 months ago
Looks like Mom is thinking with her pocketbook and not her heart. Of course, if Mom just goes into delay mode and stalls (“Lets talk to Dad when he gets home.”), Alice will likely be fixated on something else by then.
saylorgirl 9 months ago
Alice taking ballet will be a hurricane in class.
Publius10608218 9 months ago
When I was around Alice’s age my mom came home from an event all excited because she’d won a raffle for ballet lesson for me. It was only one session, but I had fun, we recently found the old tape of the recital and it starts with our teacher showing us where to stand as we jiggled excitedly;]
ktrabbit 9 months ago
It’s all about the tutu.
magicwalnut 9 months ago
I’m awaiting new glasses, I red ballet as "toilet”!
PoodleGroomer 9 months ago
Lessons are expensive and the real money goes for dance accessories and production costumes.
6turtle9 9 months ago
Mom, it might be cheaper to skip the lessons and just hire a crowd to clap and throw flowers for her on the manhole, since adulation is really all she seeks.