Boy! If anyone every needed your coffee Doc, it’s Peter! I only use caffeine in the morning. Oh – unless it’s chocolate and then it could be any time or all the time.
Nope! The taste of citrus is what wakes up my mouth first thing in the morning (even if I awaken late, like now, I am having juice of 1/2 lime with 5 drops of Stevia and chilled purified water). I think that started when I was drinking a lot, but even though I have not had an alcoholic drink since starting the vegetarian thing, I love my citrus. Even better when the grapefruit on my tree ripen (at least 5 months of free citrus ;-D
Caffeine: all day, every day. Started with Tab 35 years ago, switched to Diet Coke when that came out. I usually drink about a gallon a day. I rarely drink anything else. I’m 56 and outrageously healthy. With that boast, I’ll probably keel over at any time, but for now, I feel better than James Brown.
rubinocreative Premium Member over 11 years ago
Do you use caffeine?
Dani Rice over 11 years ago
At least three or four cups a day, and often one just before bed.
Perkycat over 11 years ago
Boy! If anyone every needed your coffee Doc, it’s Peter! I only use caffeine in the morning. Oh – unless it’s chocolate and then it could be any time or all the time.
vldazzle over 11 years ago
Nope! The taste of citrus is what wakes up my mouth first thing in the morning (even if I awaken late, like now, I am having juice of 1/2 lime with 5 drops of Stevia and chilled purified water). I think that started when I was drinking a lot, but even though I have not had an alcoholic drink since starting the vegetarian thing, I love my citrus. Even better when the grapefruit on my tree ripen (at least 5 months of free citrus ;-D
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
Yes, but not coffee, tea or chocolate.
dagan over 11 years ago
half gallon per day keeps my motor running
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 11 years ago
2 or more cups in the morning and that’s it. After that, I snort it. (Hey you asked if I “use” it! Snerk! LOL!)
le-roy over 11 years ago
Caffeine: all day, every day. Started with Tab 35 years ago, switched to Diet Coke when that came out. I usually drink about a gallon a day. I rarely drink anything else. I’m 56 and outrageously healthy. With that boast, I’ll probably keel over at any time, but for now, I feel better than James Brown.
Jkiss over 11 years ago
2 cups of coffee in the am and at least 1 Pepsi Throwback per day. Chocolate doesn’t count.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 11 years ago
@cleo and le-roy,