I dunno why that question is such a problem.
We women know enough to lie when confronted with unanswerable questions….
I mean, was there ever a woman who would say “Yes” to “Did he do it better than me?”
( Whatever it was! I’m talking about building cabinets, writing comments on GoComics…. loading the dishwasher… get your mind out of the gutter!)
Answer the same way you’d answer “Am I getting more wrinkles on my forehead?”
“Is Emily’s coffee/pot roast/cherry pie better than mine?” “Is she prettier than me?”
Honesty is NOT called for…. what you’re looking for is happiness and harmony…
if truth won’t give you that…. LIE.
Does it really make YOU happy, if she knows you think Emily is prettier, but it makes her cry?
About as happy as it makes YOU to know that her ex did a better job of…. um… fixing the brakes.
Don’t panic….
There’s only one answer to “Does this ___ make my butt look big?”
To quote Nancy Reagan, of all people….
“Just say NO!”
September 13, 2014
I dunno why that question is such a problem.
We women know enough to lie when confronted with unanswerable questions….
I mean, was there ever a woman who would say “Yes” to “Did he do it better than me?”
( Whatever it was! I’m talking about building cabinets, writing comments on GoComics…. loading the dishwasher… get your mind out of the gutter!)
Answer the same way you’d answer “Am I getting more wrinkles on my forehead?”
“Is Emily’s coffee/pot roast/cherry pie better than mine?” “Is she prettier than me?”
Honesty is NOT called for…. what you’re looking for is happiness and harmony…
if truth won’t give you that…. LIE.
Does it really make YOU happy, if she knows you think Emily is prettier, but it makes her cry?
About as happy as it makes YOU to know that her ex did a better job of…. um… fixing the brakes.
Don’t panic….
There’s only one answer to “Does this ___ make my butt look big?”
To quote Nancy Reagan, of all people….
“Just say NO!”