I used to tell musician friends how much I admired their ability to create art from nothing, when I would use some idea in a newspaper article to start my short stories. Who knew that musicians were secretly dumping half notes into their horns and tubas?
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 10 years ago
He makes it look so easy.
J Short over 10 years ago
Bag-o Bass Notes.
EarlOfCork over 10 years ago
Locked and loaded.
Ermine Notyours over 10 years ago
Are those Post-It notes?
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
Dually noted…
Argy.Bargy2 over 10 years ago
I used to tell musician friends how much I admired their ability to create art from nothing, when I would use some idea in a newspaper article to start my short stories. Who knew that musicians were secretly dumping half notes into their horns and tubas?
Sherlock Watson over 10 years ago
How to be a musician:1. Make sure you’re loaded.
R.U. Kidding over 10 years ago
The bass is loaded?