I have a grandson that is very stubborn about brushing and flossing and to make a point that if he didn’t brush and take care of his teeth they would fall out, I took my partial out and showed him that you have to get false teeth. He was impressed and went outside. His mom and I figured we had made a good impression and he had learned his lesson……nope he went out and got his friends and brought them back so I could show them how my teeth came out. lol
I have a grandson that is very stubborn about brushing and flossing and to make a point that if he didn’t brush and take care of his teeth they would fall out, I took my partial out and showed him that you have to get false teeth. He was impressed and went outside. His mom and I figured we had made a good impression and he had learned his lesson……nope he went out and got his friends and brought them back so I could show them how my teeth came out. lol