Dear friends, a favour, if you will. We are entering into what promises to be a very intense—dare I say, nasty?—political season. I particularly enjoy DS early in the am, and sometimes much earlier, with my coffee. I love to see JL skewer bothe the Pennys and us. I enjoy seeing the comments of my friends. (That includes you, Susan and Leaky.) The favour is to eschew political comments and references. Please.
Dear friends, a favour, if you will. We are entering into what promises to be a very intense—dare I say, nasty?—political season. I particularly enjoy DS early in the am, and sometimes much earlier, with my coffee. I love to see JL skewer bothe the Pennys and us. I enjoy seeing the comments of my friends. (That includes you, Susan and Leaky.) The favour is to eschew political comments and references. Please.