The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for September 20, 2015

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    finale  over 9 years ago

    She’ll be the trend setter at WM for about 15 minutes. Then some Horse’s behind will outdo her..Nothing else on TV so they’re watching their Anniversary video? From the screenshot it looks like Burl was “hamming it up” for the video with the paper bag on his head…..or not.

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    mikie2  over 9 years ago

    First of all, Sully, I am sorry for the loss of your mother. I lost my SM 20 years ago and I miss her every day.As to going out in public in curlers—or underwear, or whatever else is really cool—it’s a huge lack of respect both for yourself and others. And very “in your face.”The younger folks I know think I’m dotty but put up with me about this. I still use a fountain pen and hand-write notes.

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    loveslife  over 9 years ago

    Is Burl telling het that other cards are overdrawn? Cracker Barrel there must be a classy joint for her to get all dolled up for.

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    MeGoNow Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Again, Julie is stretching the suspension of disbelief to an extreme. Are we really supposed to believe there are still any uneaten HoHo’s in the house? .Poor Wells Fargo..Poor Timmy, if Burl puts in the wrong Penny home video. It will be his last day without the need of a Seeing Eye dog and a white cane. (She will be wearing the curlers then, too.)

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 9 years ago

    My mother would have rather been burned at the stake than be seen in curlers in public. She wore heels and stockings in public until her mid 80s when I wouldn’t let her wear heels any more.She would never wear shorts, pedal pushers or jeans either in public. Jeans were only for fishing.Her favorite expression: “What would the neighbors think”

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    Dani Rice  over 9 years ago

    I have very low thyroid, and have worn wigs most of my life. Their suggestion that they get me wig with made perfect sense at the time. Wonder if I could sue one my old ones for Halloween?

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