Sweet, sweet memory loss!
As the Bard would say…. “’Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.”
The Pennys have poor John, newly minted psychiatrist, (unless he’s still in medical school here)
on whom to dump all their attempts to cadge free therapy…
But we, who, exposed to this horror, have no one to help us get over what we’ve seen….
wish desperately for memory loss.
Oh ye gods…. we pray, send us a vial of nepenthe…
This should help…. please feel free to partake.
Meanwhile…. get your orders in for our special 2019 summer flavors of liquid Marg and Susan’s Super-Strength Ultra Brain Bleach….
Peach, Mint Julep, Watermelon and new carbonated Citrus Sparkle.
Available in quarts, gallons, and on tap at fine Crustwood pharmacies… or by home delivery.
Sweet, sweet memory loss!
As the Bard would say…. “’Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.”
The Pennys have poor John, newly minted psychiatrist, (unless he’s still in medical school here)
on whom to dump all their attempts to cadge free therapy…
But we, who, exposed to this horror, have no one to help us get over what we’ve seen….
wish desperately for memory loss.
Oh ye gods…. we pray, send us a vial of nepenthe…
This should help…. please feel free to partake.
Meanwhile…. get your orders in for our special 2019 summer flavors of liquid Marg and Susan’s Super-Strength Ultra Brain Bleach….
Peach, Mint Julep, Watermelon and new carbonated Citrus Sparkle.
Available in quarts, gallons, and on tap at fine Crustwood pharmacies… or by home delivery.