The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for September 04, 2021

  1. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member over 3 years ago

    ….not unlike the “make you ill pills” that Ringo Starr once remarked that Pete Best was probably taking, eh?………

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  2. 7a3d35b05103496eecec311170ba260d
    Pickled Pete  over 3 years ago

    Actually, all kidding aside, pain and pain management is different for different people. I’ve found for myself I can greatly reduce the number of painkillers by taking just one when I feel it starting coming on again (ie – recurring pain) once I’ve had it subdued.

    Not sure if I’ve explained it right, but it is more like keeping it away rather than waiting till you have to take a bunch of pills to make it go away again..

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  3. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Joy, you better put his tube of hemorrhoid cream and a roll of TP on the table as well…!

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  4. Bearfront
    paranormal  over 3 years ago

    I have a fairly high tolerance for pain. When I had my gall bladder out i was really in pain and ask the doctor for a refill. He said my appointment was only 3 or 4 days away so I could wait. At my appointment my stomach was black and blue. The doctor said, "If I knew that I’d have given you more pain meds. If I ask for pain meds I need pain meds! I tend to wait too long to take pain meds. I need to start taking them earlier.

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  5. Mirth mobile 1
    posstockhoarder  over 3 years ago

    I think the clown picture covers this one perfectly!

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  6. Missing large
    donnagant622  over 3 years ago

    Can’t find it!

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  7. Avatarpic l  1
    mfrasca  over 3 years ago

    You have to be careful with OTC cold preparations to avoid acetaminophen poisoning. I have seen people OD by taking simultaneous maximal (or even supramaximal) doses of:

    - cold medicine

    - cough syrup

    - pain pill

    - fever medicine

    all of which contained significant doses of acetaminophen.

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