Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for May 17, 1987
Sal: Whoopee here! I'm on it! Men! Women! Earn cash and exciting bonus prizes as a district sales manager for Dr. Whoopee! Student: To be or not to be seems to be the question, right, professor? Professor: Not necessarily, Mr. Phipps. What of the potential Dr. Whoopee customer who thinks in situational terms? Does our product put him or her in moral jeopardy? If so, what is our liability, both ethically and financially? And wouldn't that depend on whether we are seen as saying yes to life or not to death? In short, is the glass half-empty or half-full? Okay, that's it. Quiz on Monday. Sal: Dr. Whoopee. Where the questions are as tough as the latex! You'll train at the respected institute of immaculate contraception, known affectionately as Whoopee U. As part of your core cirriculum, you'll receive intensive ethical training using the classic Socratic method.
I saw a billboard tag team the other day. One said “practice safe snacking” and the other said “use a condiment.”