Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 16, 2009
Man: Wow... a court-ordered model! Wonder what this baby gets? Salesman: So what's it going to take to put you in this fine GM vehicle, sir? Man: Depends. Can I get GPS with the sale package? Salesman: Well, that's a bit unusual, so I'll have to check. But I'm sure we can make that happen, sir! Man: Great. Salesman: Al? Got a valued customer here who'd like to customize a package... uh-huh... so who would authorize it there? Okay... yeah, this is Miles at Tri-State. I need a change order for... what? Which department? Got it. Yes. I'm looking for an approval on... no? Well, who do I... really? Sure, I can hold... Salesman: Mr. President! Sorry to bother you, but... yes, I tried your task force... Man: Never mind.
On gov’t subsidizing and regulation:
Corporations in the market to buy members of congress through lobbyists and campaign contributions LOVE to rail against any gov’t regulations (as they subsidize congress members coffers) but then flip flop to beg to be bailed out by ‘the gov’t after they’ve sucked as much from the bubble working people pay into their schemes. Roughly 60% of the people, nurses and doctors want single payer – they don’t believe the tripe FOX, Limbaugh / Hannity/ etc. lie about on the air waves. I do love to see how republicans - who are conserving nothing and do not deserve the name conservative - have been winding the long rope they’ve taken all about their necks.The party and practice of old and old minded / fear minded people will and must end.