Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for April 27, 2010
Sarah Palin: And what don't we want? Dolls: Gummint-run health care! Palin: Yup! It's unAmerican! Dolls: Like Medicare! And Medicaid! And V.A. care! Palin: Darn right! They make us less free! Sam: Mini-guy? May I have some more Kool-Aid? Palin: Tea! It's tea! Sam's Sarah Palin action doll is hosting a tea party.
“Samuel Preston and Jessica Ho of the Population Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania examined survival rates for lung, breast, prostate, colon, and rectum cancers in 18 countries and found that Americans fared best.”
“In Britain, by contrast, having guaranteed access to care doesn’t mean you’ll actually get it. Twenty percent of British cancer patients who might be cured become incurable while awaiting the treatment they need.”
Here’s British expatriate Iain Murray’s opinion of NHS:
One interesting quote: “A relative of mine, an award-winning doctor, resigned from her job as head of a certain department at her hospital because she couldn’t take having to make decisions every day over who lived and who died as a result of granting or denying treatment.”
I remember once mulling through the World Health Organization’s criteria for rating health care systems. Solvency was not among the criteria.