Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for April 27, 2010
Sarah Palin: And what don't we want? Dolls: Gummint-run health care! Palin: Yup! It's unAmerican! Dolls: Like Medicare! And Medicaid! And V.A. care! Palin: Darn right! They make us less free! Sam: Mini-guy? May I have some more Kool-Aid? Palin: Tea! It's tea! Sam's Sarah Palin action doll is hosting a tea party.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ almost 15 years ago
Sarah’s assembled her friends…
jeanne1212 almost 15 years ago
same mindset as old JJ’s “people”…. scary, thats what it is!
SuperGriz almost 15 years ago
Sarah’s a sideshow. Our masters want us forget about the Supreme’s and their recent atrocity, among other things.
But Sarah’s going to be with us a long time as a media star. And she’s just so cute.
GJ_Jehosaphat almost 15 years ago
Good point Super Griz. The Supreme Court allowing business to be political donors & Wall Street with the big bucks are going to make it harder for anyone not on their “payroll” to get elected this fall.
pschearer Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Why should anyone expect the millionaire celebrity cartoonist with the celebrity wife to have any grasp of the concerns of us regular folk? And that would apply even if he didn’t lean to the left his whole career.
(Bad logic, GEE. You imply people who believe in limited government don’t believe in government. Since you seem to think it is government’s job to solve every problem, the world’s limitless supply of problems is used to justify limitless growth of government. I doubt you are a millionaire, but then what’s your excuse for not seeing the Tea Partyers’ concerns?)
Allison Nunn Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Agree with Balsim, was leaning towards McCain, decided to wait for VP picks, and switched sides very quickly! If he could make a goof like that imagine what he could mess up if elected!
kosher38 almost 15 years ago
AKHenderson Premium Member almost 15 years ago
What was Trudeau saying about hate speech the other day?
Medicare isn’t sustainable in the long run, so the Palin action figure is right on that one.
As for gummint- run health care, Canada and Britain haven’t figured out how to make it work - so what makes us think WE can?
Tea Partiers, that pony is a plant! It’s really John Edwards!
glslightning almost 15 years ago
Talk about “bad logic”!!! The “Tea Partyers’ concerns” would be more easily seen and believed if they had been ranting about them when “Dubya” was in office. Taxes on “regular folk” have been reduced during the last year, and NOW they are bitching about being taxed too much!
randgrithr almost 15 years ago
Hey Avolunteer, maybe you should google the words “wet start” and “Forrestal”. You might learn something about just how much of a screwup McCain really is.
Nebulous Premium Member almost 15 years ago
I don’t want a faceless government bureaucrat limiting my health care.
I’d much rather have a faceless Wall Street insurance company bureaucrat limiting my health care.
pschearer Premium Member almost 15 years ago
GlsLightning: I suppose the revolutionary Americans who long endured the usurpations of the British king should have kept quiet and just paid their tea tax? (You can read all about their patience in the Declaration of Independence.)
The fact that Bush did so much wrong cannot be used as an excuse for Obama to do more of the same. Those of us who believe overgrown government is the greatest danger to freedom are still free to protest. Or would you like to change that?
wcorvi almost 15 years ago
Some TEA want LESS government, some (almost half) want DIFFERENT government. There is a deep rift within the movement. LESS I can understand; DIFFERENT is the problem, and this is Sarah’s side.
Sarah’s side wants a return to British rule, with a state-run and funded church, and more intrusion into YOUR life, just less into hers.
asa4ever almost 15 years ago
I (we) took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, not the federal government. There is a difference. Just because I am retired does not release me from that oath. Unfortunately, most people in this country do not want to upset the apple cart as long as the federal government continues to bribe them.
Nemesys almost 15 years ago
pschearer, it’s not bad logic. It’s a deliberate straw man argument, in the same level of intellectual honesty as calling those who call for border security as “anti immigrant”. Clever, but only the ignorant go along with it.
Two out of the three programs mentioned to “Sarah” are broke, and the third I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.
Potrzebie almost 15 years ago
Someone ask the doll if constructing the “road to nowhere” (that was to connect with the bridge to nowhere) and keeping the funds allocated for the bridge is a good example of the teabagger’s gripes?
zev.farkas almost 15 years ago
@randgrithr -
From what I’ve learned of the Forrestal disaster, McCain’s exhaust was pointed out over the ocean, so a wet start wouldn’t have caused trouble.
The Zuni rocket that touched off the whole thing was fired from another plane, probably by an electrical transient that occurred when the plane was switched from external to internal electrical power.
In short, McCain was not at fault in the Forrestal incident.
LeoAutodidact almost 15 years ago
Larry, I too was sworn a few decades ago and the problem I’ve had is trying to figure out HOW to “protect and defend”
When one side is offering the Express lane to Hell, and the other is saying “Oh, no. Normal speed is good enough!” it really doesn’t matter - they’re BOTH taking us all to a place I DON’T want to go!
That was the promise held out by the Space program. Other Worlds mean other chances to “get it right” But that’s gone now too.
freeholder1 almost 15 years ago
The tea gang is really killing the Republicans. It’s taken the conservatives who might have backed a legit candidate and run them way to the right where only a few belong.
As Perot and Anderson found out, a 3rd party, even Teddy’s Bull Moose, only hurts the party you break off from.
I suspect the original intent was for the Fox New Party (which is what it is) to take from the ‘independents” but it’s been so far derailed by celebrity Pols like SP that it can’t successfully draw any real middle-roaders in. (P: Why should I listen to an AUSTRAILIAN multimillionaire about my rights either?)
You’ll see this group coyly sneak back to the Repubs before long. They’ll “endorse” the mainline guy “reluctantly” and their followers will meekly fall in line.
Psche: if you know history, you know this discussion of federal versus state has been going on for a while and was solved by the COMPROMISE of the US Constit. Laws along the way have added to the power making the Fed. roles FURTHER defined. The Republicans recognized they had a CONTRACT WITH AMERICA including the Medicare and SS systems WHICH I HAVE BEEN PAYING FOR IN MY PAYCHECK FOR YEARS! Did the Congresses of both R. and D. steal funds from the SS pool to pay for OTHER programs and not pay them back? Yes. Would the system be functional if they’d kept their hands off that giant pool of money? Yes. The government has a contract with me and every citizen signed by the money taken from me before I even saw it. It has been honoring it for my wife and will for me when I finally retire.
And a celebrity pol like Palin has no greater odds of being “in touch” with Americans than GT does. She’s merely in touch with talking points you agree with. She raised taxes on the oil companies so that the rest of America pays as much for Alaskan oil as for Saudi oil. Where do you think those ‘BONUS’ checks came from? Then she screamed when Obama wanted to do the same thing on a federal level. I would oppose BOTH. So her tax-cut crappola is exactly that.
lewisbower almost 15 years ago
GEE You’re right, the Constitution is just an old piece of paper written long ago by men who could not foresee that things would change. Their fears that a central government could grow too big were totally unfounded. Did they really think our freedom from government oppression was written in stone? Speaking of written in stone, let’s amend those pesky Ten Commandments. They are real old..
notinksanymore almost 15 years ago
Everybody told me I shouldn’t vote for Obama because I’m going to law school, and he had a plan to raise taxes on people who made more than $250k a year. The theory was, if he go elected, I would have to pay more taxes in the future. The reality is, his new tax plans gave awesome tax breaks to students. The way I see it, I pay more taxes when I make more money, less taxes when I make less. That makes perfect sense to me. If I were making $250k a year, I wouldn’t mind paying taxes, because I would be able to afford to!
aquak1 almost 15 years ago
We could begin to turn things around in this country if we would just go back and listen to one thing from our Founders’ time: GW’s farewell speech warning us to stay away from political parties. Exactly what he warned about is clear now: They are holding our country hostage and are not about to let go unless we force them to. The true bipartisanship is in their efforts to ensure they maintain their ruinous power.
JosephBidenJr99 almost 15 years ago
One thing is apparent by the resources and time consumed by the liberals of my party in trashing Sarah is that they are terrified of her. No, as a life-long Democrat, I will not vote for her for president, but she possesses one thing my liberal friends cannot comprehend: COMMON SENSE!
randgrithr almost 15 years ago
Have some more kool aid. There was a massive coverup after McCain caused 168 deaths on the Forrestal. There’s too much evidence to the contrary. Lots of witnesses, lots of official records against “what you have learned”. And that’s only one of FIVE jets he destroyed. He’s even more of a loser than Palin is.
runar almost 15 years ago
Yes, they did serve Flavor-Aid™ at Jonestown.
Why are the Tea Partiers really angry? (Hint: There’s a what in the woodpile…er…White House)
rotts almost 15 years ago
Bad reference, Rumar - you ought to be ashamed of yourself!
billdi Premium Member almost 15 years ago
palin has common sense? that’s utter nonsense.
T Gabriel Premium Member almost 15 years ago
It’s funny there is a comment here about Medicare’s future. Seems the thought is it is unsustainable. Might be so. What is also true and the writer specifically ignored it to make their anti-government position clear is that the current profit-driven health care system is also unsustainable.
In fact, Medicare has a brighter future than private, for-profit health insurance. The problem is complex and takes more than some knee-jerk anti-government canned speech about the instability of government programs.
Typical anit-government drivel. You (at least some of you) folks need to think about your argument and to use your argument to convince people of its rightness. From the words (some of them at least) written here it is patently obvious some of you really and truly do not know about what you are writing.
Yes, Medicare needs help. So does privately funded health care. The problem is too immense for shallow thinking.
saw4fire almost 15 years ago
It’s all a matter of perspective. The real Kool-Aid is being drunk by those who think that Obamacare will make things better, when it will actually make things worse. Luckily 58% of Americans favor the repeal of Obamacare:
ChiehHsia almost 15 years ago
saw4fire, if the majority of potential voters are so unbelievably, infamously silly and shortsighted that they actually believe the drivel and lies being spouted by the right-wing so-called conservatives, that sure seems to me like a really good reason to repeal the popular vote and return to a vote limited to taxpaying citizens with land ownership and university degrees.
AKHenderson Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Hey wait a minute…a few weeks ago GT sais the Tea Parties didn’t have a message. But now all of a sudden they do - tax relief (re the piggy bank’s sign) and reigning in runaway entitlement programs. Did he change his mind? Or does he have two minds fighting for control over his body a la Dr. Strangelove?
glenbeck almost 15 years ago
The tea parties pupetmasters want people to belive that you will have less goverment unders their candidates_AND it WILL be…but less goverment run by the people, and MORE goverment run by coperations, who want limited regulations * {laws to follow} just look at who supports the tea parties and ask what they have to gain by doing so…
SuperGriz almost 15 years ago
The tea-baggers don’t have concerns, they have ideology.
Ideology = lack of critical thinking, among other things.
Also, you should be ashamed of hating the Baby Jesus.
SClark55 almost 15 years ago
Garry - news flash - the cost overruns in Medicare and Medicaid are among the reasons we don’t want Obama-Care. They almost certainly DO make us less free than a free-market (admittedly with some regulation) solution.
runar almost 15 years ago
No apology rotts. Telling it like it is.
NashvilleMac almost 15 years ago
saw4fire - wouldn’t rely too heavily on that pollster’s numbers if I were you. Over the past decade, telephone polling is rapidly returning to the unrepresentative state that resulted in “Dewey Defeats Truman” headlines nationwide. :)
countoftowergrove almost 15 years ago
This board today seems to have a lot of Mallard Filmore fans.
blueprairie almost 15 years ago
“Why should anyone expect the millionaire celebrity cartoonist with the celebrity wife to have any grasp of the concerns of us regular folk? ”
You mean, us regular folk who are concerned as hell that someone who barely speaks English and spends other people’s money like a drunken sailor almost made it to the vice presidency?
RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Did you see the demonstrations in Arizona? Wow… all that violence - rock and bottle throwing at police.
Won’t see violence at a Tea Party.
One thing that’s always puzzled me - if you don’t like the US, why do you live here?
RinaFarina almost 15 years ago
@Ron, if people don’t like a cartoon, why do they post there?
Because they enjoy getting mad, and getting it out of their system.
runar almost 15 years ago
“…if you don’t like the US, why do you live here?”
It’s because we expect better, you bleeep:
“I don’t believe in ‘My country right or wrong’. My country wrong needs my help.”
— Peter Halsten Thorkelson
SuperGriz almost 15 years ago
Something else Sweet Sarah is distracting us from: Premium Member almost 15 years ago
It seems the recent financial meltdown orchestrated by Wall Street and facilitated by the W administration would be a far greater thing to worry about than a minor increase in taxes – but I wouldn’t want to insert any non-Palin common sense into the argument.
AKHenderson – Having had in-laws dependent on that awful health plan in England that paid for ALL their care, never sent one bill to the house, put father-in-law in hospital with her when mother-in-law (his caregiver) had to be hospitalized, provided transportation for doctor visits for the elderly, and kept both of them alive into their late 80s – our healthcare in the US looks might anemic in comparison!!!
SuperGriz almost 15 years ago
Sweet Sarah wants you to ignore this situation, too:
Thank heavens the extraordinary rendition laws are still in effect.
AKHenderson Premium Member almost 15 years ago
“Samuel Preston and Jessica Ho of the Population Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania examined survival rates for lung, breast, prostate, colon, and rectum cancers in 18 countries and found that Americans fared best.”
“In Britain, by contrast, having guaranteed access to care doesn’t mean you’ll actually get it. Twenty percent of British cancer patients who might be cured become incurable while awaiting the treatment they need.”
Here’s British expatriate Iain Murray’s opinion of NHS:
One interesting quote: “A relative of mine, an award-winning doctor, resigned from her job as head of a certain department at her hospital because she couldn’t take having to make decisions every day over who lived and who died as a result of granting or denying treatment.”
I remember once mulling through the World Health Organization’s criteria for rating health care systems. Solvency was not among the criteria.