This is overblown, but suitable for a comic strip. Comic strips are supposed to be funny. What is more funny to Americans than hyperbole? Actually this strip has both hyperbole and underplay. The mix is usually about right. As a microcosm of military life these episodes are in touch with the inner self of the soldier. I know, I was a soldier. I was also an NCO and then a commissioned officer. So I have been there, done that. How does a male officer confront his own libido when an attractive female soldier comes right out and says she wants to get laid? I had a policy to never fraternize with the troops, though I was once an enlisted man. I would put in an appearance at their parties bringing my wife on most occasions. They all knew I was coming and all knew that they had to hide their pot, not to kow tow to me openly, not to expect anything more than a token participation. The finest complement I received was that “Major G. is tough, but fair.”
This is overblown, but suitable for a comic strip. Comic strips are supposed to be funny. What is more funny to Americans than hyperbole? Actually this strip has both hyperbole and underplay. The mix is usually about right. As a microcosm of military life these episodes are in touch with the inner self of the soldier. I know, I was a soldier. I was also an NCO and then a commissioned officer. So I have been there, done that. How does a male officer confront his own libido when an attractive female soldier comes right out and says she wants to get laid? I had a policy to never fraternize with the troops, though I was once an enlisted man. I would put in an appearance at their parties bringing my wife on most occasions. They all knew I was coming and all knew that they had to hide their pot, not to kow tow to me openly, not to expect anything more than a token participation. The finest complement I received was that “Major G. is tough, but fair.”