Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 12, 2012
... and surely you've been looking for a reason to kick smoking! For Mormons it's forbidden! Parisian: This is madness! Mitt Romney: No, it is a step on the path to redemption... and you, monsieur, look like a believer who wants to get back with his god! Parisian: No, I'm an atheist who wants to get back with his mistress. Mitt Romney: Love to meet her! Lead the way!
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
I’ll probably get flagged for my first comment.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
Where are you, Dr. Freud, now that we need you?
Linguist over 12 years ago
Nothing like the blind persistence and naivete of a youthful zealot ! I’m sure she’d love to hear about the Angel Macaroni.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“Fifty percent of uncommitted voters who tuned into Thursday night’s vice presidential debate in Danville, Ky., said they see Vice President Joe Biden as the winner over Mitt Romney’s GOP running mate Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., according to an instant poll taken by CBS News.”π—
AKHenderson Premium Member over 12 years ago
When Mitt leaves, young Michael Bloomberg will come by and witness to him about the evils of soft drinks.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
I match their mystified smiles with my own MYSTICAL smile and keep saying, “no thank you, no thank you, no thank you”. Eventually it works and they depart. I always wish them well. They hate it when someone is as excited as they are — they can’t deal with smiles bigger than their own.
AKHenderson Premium Member over 12 years ago
leftwingpatriot (yesterday): “I personally believe that Obama is the least religious President since [William] Howard Taft.”.Personally, Obama doesn’t strike me as someone who worships anything other than himself. But Black Liberation Theology influences secular class-warfare-isms. Wright is rooted in Cone. Obama did not grow up in the church – he entered as an adult and adopted Wright as a mentor. Wright is the moral equivalent of Fred Phelps. Would you trust someone who spent 20 years attending Westboro Baptist in public office?.I can understand a person growing up in a churchObama devoted 20 years to that church, in a day and age when racism is supposed to be on the wane..wdgnas (yesterday): “wow, great spin. guilt is a very powerful thing and ALL religions use it”.Read the comment. Almost all religions that lay guilt trips lay them because of stuff you actually did that the religion says is wrong. Black Liberation Theology is different from the objects of your snark – it says all whites are guilty of what some whites did. There isn’t a contemporary parallel in any major Christian denomination (except for some lefty variants of “liberation theology” that are more Marx than Jesus). I don’t see anything like that in other major religions outside Wahhabist or Salafist Islam.
stellablu122 over 12 years ago
Paul Ryan forbids that.
jackhs over 12 years ago
Troodough seems to be making stuff up.
einarbt7 over 12 years ago
This story thread is finally getting interesting.
asa4ever over 12 years ago
Funny thing, when I lived in Boston, I had more intelligent talks with thew followers of Malcolm X than the Mormons.
wdgnas over 12 years ago
ak henderson: are we not all god’s children? and don’t spin it to make it sound like all christian religions are different from one another. they thrive on guilt…
George Alexander over 12 years ago
AshburnStadium: Same goods at Costco. Package the lousy wine up then send it to America.
crlinder over 12 years ago
In Peru, the people call the Mormons huevos because they always travel in pairs. (For those you who don’t know any Spanish slang:
William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago
Does “Manage a Trois” come in three packs?
tcreole over 12 years ago
Is there someone else in panel two?
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Good one Omnius! I was going to say Biden killed Eddie Munster last night. Put on your best Joe Biden smile today!
peabodyboy over 12 years ago
To be fair to Joseph Smith, many charismatic founders of religious and secular groups exploit their authority for their own sexual gratification. Look up John of Leiden, Elijah Muhammed, Jim Jones, David Koresh and Ayn Rand for a few examples.
JAPrufrock over 12 years ago
What do you think the general public would say if you told them that the whole universe was once the size of a small grain of sand? Nah, forget it ………
Ironhold over 12 years ago
Actually, no.[]Polygamy didn’t enter the picture until years after the church was officially incorporated. []Anyone who goes straight for the argument you made is usually someone who doesn’t have their facts in a row.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
I don’t see how Ryan could claim that his religion informs his policy. That should come back to haunt him, big time. You don’t turn your back on poor folks if you also want to claim to be a good Catholic.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
So will we see the mistress next? Who will make the call on that one?
Ironhold over 12 years ago
Might want to have a look at . It typically surprises people to see just how much caffeine they’re consuming on a daily basis without even knowing it.
crlinder over 12 years ago
Not likely. At that time the Mormon church would not have had a man and a woman proselytizing together. Also, I believe Romney came back from his “mission” early because Ann started to date other guys.
Linguist over 12 years ago
Having spent over 25 years of my life living in the Southwest where there were strong LDS communities, I can tell you what I resent most about Mormons – They have great teeth !
felida.don over 12 years ago
Fascinating strip.
annieb1012 over 12 years ago
@DTPi, Dinkytown
From yesterday, before called away for work/family/debate: I should perhaps have included the phrase “concept of” in my remarks about the differences between the Jewish (concept of) God, the Islamic (concept of) God, and the Christian (concept of) God. And then, there’s each individual’s concept of God, including that there is none at all! I did not mean to imply a pantheon of gods, each belonging to (and in possession of) a particular group of believers. For the purposes of this strip and this discussion, though, I think it’’s useful to consider the differences and how they might come into play in our political arena. Clearly the LDS concept of God is of great interest right now. Does the fact that He has changed His mind so many times about women, blacks, etc. have any bearing on Mitt’s reversibility (thanks, montessoriteacher)? Would Mitt be as changeable in the presidency as he has been to date? This would not be a matter of taking orders from the church, but of taking a cue from one’s deity as to how one might proceed.
annieb1012 over 12 years ago
@C Downs
Thanks for your response to JerseyJo. I was working on something similar, but you beat me to it, and very nicely, too.
Justice22 over 12 years ago
This is excerpted from the official Mormon website;“The name ‘Mormon’ is a nickname because of the Church’s belief in the Book of Mormon (ancient scripture revealed to and recorded by prophets in the Americas during the same time the Bible was being written in the Old World.)”Why did they not record in written word something about the Indian people they were living among?
annieb1012 over 12 years ago
Is that Dinkytown, Mpls, Mn? ( I lived there for part of a year during college, 1969, I think. Learned to make candles from a guy who sold his on the bridge.)
annieb1012 over 12 years ago
“I don’t see how previous LDS beliefs are any more relevant to Romney than statements made by Jeremiah Wright are to Obama.”
I don’t, either, so I’m listening closely to everything everyone is saying in hopes of learning something! One difference between the Romney-LDS connection and the Obama-Wright connection is that, as I understand it, Romney is completely devoted to his church and its teachings, while the Obamas are sort of generically Protestant, not particularly deeply committed to any one denominational theology or any one preacher’s views. Maybe the reason LDS history is coming up so much in these comments is that people are concerned about a possible "theocratical "approach to the presidency, which Americans have historically rejected. I remember how thick the conversation about this was when JFK was running, and the upshot was that he gave every appearance of thinking for himself as President. Maybe he was in independent thinker anyway, or maybe the conversation put him on notice, but in either case, the conversation sure didn’t do any harm!
annieb1012 over 12 years ago
Typo time: that should be “an independent thinker,” not “in.”
native daughter over 12 years ago
Can’t wait to see Obama equivalent series featuring kid growing up with a Muslim dad. Will be interesting to see how well the religion cracks fly.
kaffekup over 12 years ago
And when asked what he brings the country replied “Honesty”.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
What poll was that? Fox?
kaffekup over 12 years ago
‘I would think even the GOP would consider Romney to be far too risky.’I think they’re counting on bullying him into rubberstamping whatever a radical Congress puts in front of him, and as long as it further enriches the wealthy, I have no doubt he will.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
I went to Qstar as LWP suggested, and he’s correct. It is a reich-wing organization.
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
Religion makes hypocrites of us all. Well, except for me, of course.
galanti over 12 years ago
Pagan Cults Forever!!!!