Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 02, 2012
Brad: ... and above all, keep making the point that this election is about people! Remember what Elizabeth said to Romney in Charlotte: corporations aren't people! People have hearts, they have kids, they get jobs, they get sick, they cry! People dance! Joanie: Well, some of us do. Brad: There she is! Voice 1: About time! Voice 2: Slacker!
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
What a trooper!
Linguist over 12 years ago
Yeah, what’s a mere hip replacement among dedicated friends ?
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
Now they’ll give her a keyboard-input job taking minutes.
Linguist over 12 years ago
This fits perfectly with tonight’s part-two satire on campaign managers, by Jon Stewart’s Daily Show.
hitman4cookies over 12 years ago
Oh, the irony.
mr.monkeyshines over 12 years ago
i liked when she had little duke stoner bubbles floating around her head.
arye uygur over 12 years ago
After my most recent (3rd, 6 years ago) hip replacement, I used a rolator. The earlier one (20 years ago) i used metal crutches that didn’t reach to my armpits.
vwdualnomand over 12 years ago
was wondering when are we going to get bionic limbs? steve austin and jaime sommers had it since the 1970s.
gladlythecrosseyedbear over 12 years ago
GT, like EW, doesn’t believe Cherokees are people — they’re just a concept that allows fakers like EW to snag top jobs
Rational Anarchist over 12 years ago
Mutual cannibalism? That would seem self defeating.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Uh oh. Good luck Joanie! I recently asked my husband about possible complications after hip replacement and I heard a much longer list than anyone wants to read about on this thread… So, I won’t list them here. If anyone is interested in what might realistically happen after hip replacement, try the google… Yikes. Of course, docs tend to be conservative in their approach, they want to make sure people know about all the good and bad possibilities…
Tea_Pea over 12 years ago
Joanie had better hope and pray that the inevitable relapse waits until Wednesday to happen.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Wonder how our friends on the east coast are doing. Since the storm, they have had more stuff to worry about besides the election. I just heard someone on tv say that the place he votes does not have power…
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Lots of GOP want to spend MY money but not their money… And on stuff that I don’t want it to be spent on.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Hilarious that anyone would say that this election will be a landslide…
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
Ein volk (you and all other skinhead racists)! Ein reich (Nazi America)! Ein führer (Adolf Hitler redux)! Sieg heil!
Mitt Romney would gladly throw you under your own onrushing Panzer!
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Saying that a corporation is a person is like saying a grocery store is a person. Someone has to run the grocery but that does not mean that the grocery store is a person.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
EW= Elizabeth Warren
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
The Cherokees of Massachusetts will be voting for Elizabeth Warren for Senate and against Scott Brown.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
Why would Superman ever need a hip replacement?
diggitt over 12 years ago
Can’t find a point to this posting. He’s not writing about the comic strip the rest of us are reading.
geedavey over 12 years ago
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Getting rid of the right wing SCOTUS is a great reason to vote for the prez.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
I have heard that this election is so close that some are speculating that there may be a scenario where Romney could be prez and Biden could be VP! A lot of things would have to happen in order for that to take place though. A very split down the middle type of thing…
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
The truth hurts, doesn’t it, Reich-is-wrong?
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
In the closely-watched Massachusetts race for U.S. Senator, most recent polls show Elizabeth Warren leading Scott Brown in three out of four polls, one a tie. Polling reliability is rated: high. Here’s stat-meister Rick Dunham’s analysis:
Barring a late shift, the Democratic challenger Warren seems poised to haul Republican Brown’s ashes out the door.
Joanie’s efforts seem to be working!
Sorry, Gladlythecrosseyedbear (heh heh), your Cherokee play doesn’t seem to be working.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
It will be wonderful to see EW elected, Claire re-elected, Duckworth, Murphy elected and others. Can’t wait to see those tea partiers go away. Obama needs a few more allies.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
It would be great if Jim Graves could beat Michele Bachmann too. Incredibly, Bachmann seems to be ahead.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Joe Donnelly has pulled ahead of Richard Murdock. Murdock is of the pregnancy from rape is what God intended remark in Indiana.
kaffekup over 12 years ago
And aren’t we allowed to express an opinion on what comes across on our monitors by flagging anything we want to flag? .Having said that, does flagging even do anything? I’ve never seen any effect, unless the disappearance of -— -— and -— has been caused by it (don’t want to even mention their names)..In any case, the trolls we do get seem somewhat dispirited, hitting once and leaving. They don’t even get into a dialogue any more. Not that I mind.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“Does “freedom of speech” really mean only “freedom to speak only what YOU – or anyone else – wants to hear”?”
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“And, just who is “the final authority” on which speech comes from a “troll”, to be flagged – and, presumably, deleted – because it doesn’t suit what that “authority” would “say”?”
The final authority is the U.S. Constitution as interpreted by the Supreme Court.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“And, just out of curiosity, is anyone reading the blog doing so by being held by the scruff of the neck, and forced to consider each comment?”
No, nobody.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“I know nothing whatsoever about whatever “battle” might exist between “EW” and the Cherokee Nation ….”
No battle exists between EW = Elizabeth Warren and the Cherokee Nation. Nor has any such battle ever existed.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“[W]hat GENUINE reason is there to “flag/delete” others?”
(1) No reason needed/necessary. Flag away, Sharuniboy, to your heart’s content. Flag me. The only one you can’t flag is yourself. GoComix’s software won’t allow you to flag yourself.
(2) GoComix’s software also prevents you from deleting anyone’s post but your own. Nor do you need any reason to delete your own post. Delete away. Or not. Your choice.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“Aren’t even “trolls” entitled to express opinions?”
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
I can’t take him seriously until he tightens up his tie. He just looks to darn sloppy.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
(Unofficial) summary (since I was asked):
Trolls (as defined by anybody, nobody, the majority, or the minority) are entitled to express their opinions.
Anybody can flag anybody else at any time for any reason, but software prevents one from flagging one’s self.
Anybody can delete one’s own post at any time for any reason, but software prevents anybody from deleting anybody else’s comment.
GoComix seems to have very lax standards about banning trolls. On the other hand, mass flagging, mass ignoring, and mass negative comment seems quite effective in driving trolls back into their troll booths.
Doonesbury Comments has intermediate authority, but no final authority. In the U.S. ALL freedom-of-speech issues ultimately lie within the purview of the U.S. Supreme Court, like it or not. Example: Suppose someone were to issue a death threat here, and GoComix chose not to delete the post and ban the threatener. Then the person against whom the death threat was uttered may go to court, and sue GoComix for a million dollars or a hundred million dollars or any amount whatsoever for not doing so. Eventually, the case could conceivably work its way up to the Supreme Court. Say that the aggrieved won. Then GoComix would have to pay up. Sorry. If you don’t like that, then you’re free to move to Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires.
Personally I think GoComix does an excellent job.
Thank you and vote for me.
Or not.
Your choice.
arye uygur over 12 years ago
“@DylanThomas3.14159 said, about 4 hours ago
@Arye Uygur
rolator = walker"——————————a rolator has a seat to sit on and a storage area; walkers don’t. I love my rolator; even though I don’t need it for walking anymore (I mostly use a shopping cart), I need it when we have tenants’ meetings inm y building lobby because I can’t stand for too long a time.
Thanks to medicare I have my rolator.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
Thanx, Arye. I “stand” corrected.
joe vignone over 12 years ago
People are ALIVE! How’s that for a distinction?
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“[L]et Obama go back to Chicago to shoot some hoops, play some golf and bask in the glory of being a former President.”
He’s gonna do the hoops, the holes, and the glory AS President for 4 more days AND 4 more years!
kaffekup over 12 years ago
And Rmoney can go back to doing the thing he loves most and does best, making a pantload of money. I’m sure if it weren’t for the political thing, he would have been a billionaire years ago. And thousands more people would have led lives of misery through his efforts.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Of course we enjoy freedom of speech on this thread. I am not sure that we would all want to part of something of this kind if certain people with certain very offensive views were to take over however. Since I happen to live right next to a synagogue on our street, we often have the goofy, awful Westboro Baptist Church folks hanging out nearby. This is a real test of whether or not you believe in freedom of speech. Even if we have to tolerate them being there it certainly doesn’t mean that we have to make them feel comfortable around our area. We try to ignore them and some people confront them, I have never seen anyone be welcoming or accommodating to them in any way.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“… the liberal media …” ended years and years ago. You’re far outta date. Nowadays its “the corporate media”.
Reason: Suppose you’re a “liberal”-minded correspondent for, say, CBS News. Now you’re doing a news-story investigation into illegal insider-trading (Martha Stewart style) of CBS execs. Dare you air a whistle-blowing, potentially Pulitzer-prizewinning expose?
Not if you value your job. Or any further employment for you within the industry.
Remember Dan Rather!
Need I say more? Well, maybe this much: May “the land of the free and the home of the brave” RIP.
unanim us over 12 years ago
Ditto.Signed: trolli us
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“Remember Dan” rather than someone who wasn’t victimized by the reich-wing media corporatocracy.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
Rather than one of the hundreds of lefty correspondents who caved to the reich-wing media corporatocracy, kept their huge salaries, went underground, and, like a poisonous viper waiting to strike, waited and still wait.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
Doonesbury character Becca Bickle could rep a fictional example of one of these journalists.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
Note how Becca had no qualms about publishing a reich-wing graphic novel by the reich-wing Doonesbury character Jeff Redfern.
vwdualnomand over 12 years ago
does anyone have one of those sleep number beds? and, do those work?
Michelle Morris over 12 years ago
I hope that “slacker” crack was a joke!
FriscoLou over 12 years ago
“And, just who is “the final authority” on which speech …”
Right you are Sharuniboy, some people feel they have ownership and will flag anyone outside of their echo-chamber. They only pay lip service to diversity, what a brilliant concept, the scroll button. SSDF = Scroll Stupid Don’t Flag.
Cowlarado sounds like a great place for Libertarians, Gary Johnson will probably do his best there. All the hype sez it’ll be a most interesting state to watch.