Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 28, 2013
Zonker: So that's my dilemma, Sam. I want to support my co-workers... but do I risk being fired for leading a strike before I'm ready to make my move to Colorado? Put differently, do I jeopardize my dream of growing artisanal cannabis by becoming a working-class hero? Sam: How much do working-class heroes make? Zonker: They can pull down minimum wage, easily.
Linguist almost 12 years ago
Neither a working class hero, nor an artisanal cannabis grower, get health care benefits. The only upside for the grower is that he can smoke his pain away !
Kali39 almost 12 years ago
And Zonk is proud of that…
jacqilove almost 12 years ago
Once again, ultralib Gary T. shows us that he can make humor out of anything. Illegal marijuana! Haw, haw, haw! Haw! I spent an hour counseling a devastated woman today whose 51 year old daughter is a lifetime addict to pills, heroin, all that. Boy, what a laugh riot! See it’s just those damn conservatives who oppose reefer who are wrecking it for everyone. Mr. Trudeau shows us here the real humor in lives demolished by dope. Haw! Haw, haw, haw! Zonker wants to grow dope. Illegal dope. What a laff scream!
CasualObserver almost 12 years ago
Alchohol – the right wing drug of choice. Mix that with anger management issues and the whole comedy really heats up!
Beleck3 almost 12 years ago
ah decisions, decisions. which way for poor old Zonker,
mb196jc almost 12 years ago
@jacquilove Allowing people assess their own risks is a very scary concept. We need kings, czars, and safety comissions to protect us. It is for our own good. Freedom is dangerous.
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
It is obvious that people should not go to prison for one joint. That is what is happening in our inner cities right now. We are incarcerating people for small amounts of pot. This must stop. Crime is already winning as we warehouse people for small amounts of pot and they come out with nothing and end up reoffending, only the next time it may involve more than a tiny amount of pot.
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
Here come the naive conservatives again today…yesterday, one of them even suggested that we no longer have racism since we elected a black president in 2008! A lot of folks did not seem to get that memo.
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
If Obama and Bush had grown up in different circumstances, Obama would have gone to jail for pot and W would have gone to the clink for cocaine.
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
Of course, W was also a very serious black out alcoholic, a completely legal drug.
DavyG almost 12 years ago
Pot could never replace alcohol. There is nothing quite like a bottle of dry red Bordeaux to go with a rare grilled steak.
This would be a fun experiment:
Recruit 50 young men. Put half in a room with a large-screen TV and a keg of beer. Put the other half in a room with a large-screen TV and a pound of pot. Start the hidden video cameras. I envision the latter group watching sci-fi channel and trying to explain their concept of cosmology, after about two hours, provided there are also about 25 pounds of chips and doughnuts.
I don’t smoke pot, I do drink beer, and I voted against legalizing pot in Colorado. Still, I would rather be around a bunch of stoners than a bunch of drunks.
reedkomicks Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I think it is clear enough that Zonker is a waste case because of his dope addiction. Humor is a good communication device. But only, I guess, if you have a sense of humor.
DavyG almost 12 years ago
Alcohol and tobacco are taxed plenty, Federal and state. I think legalizing pot nationwide (not just CO and WA) is more likely to be similar to the end of Prohibition, when organized crime got out of smuggling alcohol and into other things. Illegal distillation still goes on, but it’s small time, and I suspect moonshiners do it more for sport and to give government the finger than for profit. It’s a lot of work, just to evade the taxes on liquor. If it was the money, they might be cooking meth instead.
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
Well, pot may produce more $ than wheat, but wheat is not the biggest $ producer. The biggest $ producers: 1. corn 2. soybean 3. hay 4. wheat., the numbers on pot production are a little shaky at best, being that it is an illegal substance in most states.I am not surprised that corn is the biggest $ maker according to the EPA. I always see folks in Kansas trying to grow corn and it burns up every summer. Corn seems to like it better further north. Wheat does fine around here though.
Carol69 almost 12 years ago
Is it a dream or nightmare for the crime groups ?? I duuno but where it is legal to sell MJ the competition has tanked the market price. Growing MJ will become just like growing cabbage in the family garden.
Ermine Notyours almost 12 years ago
Isn’t Zonker in Washington State now? Maybe he knows more about the proposed distribution rules in Washington and finds that Colorado’s are better.
diggitt almost 12 years ago
Sam has adult eyes now. Her innocence is gone. A whole new chapter!
diggitt almost 12 years ago
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
mt, remember when Nellie Forbush was “as corny as Kansas?” Now it doesn’t grow there? And there is no global warming?
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
This reminds me of a friend of mine that said his profession was ‘Poet’. We all know how much they make.
DoctorDan almost 12 years ago
Guard – can you cite an instance where legalization and regulation of a business did not lead to the reduction of the criminal element in that business? If not, on what do you base your prediction?
FriscoLou almost 12 years ago
Gee Zonk it doesn’t have to be one or the other, why not both. People think Zonker is some sort of demotivated slacker, but I think Trudeau is about to reveal Zonks true genius. He’s been like a dormant Redwood seed and now he’s ready to tower. Like they say “Build a better mouse trap and the world fills it’s bong”.
The worst thing about these archaic marijuana laws rooted in Jim Crowism is getting busted for it, like me. It’s beyond me why Obama would waste political capital on enforcing these useless and immoral laws, particularly since he has urged the the DOJ to ignore enforcement of DOMA. It shouldn’t take much courage at all to ignore the enforcement of marijuana laws.
Some marijuana facts:
Marijuana was legal for longer than it’s been illegal with absolutely no negative impact to society.
Marijuana was legal longer than abortion before it was prohibited, people should not consider legal abortion to be “settled law”.
The criminal aspect to marijuana prohibition has followed the crime patterns of alcohol prohibition.
The struggle to end marijuana prohibition has gone on longer than the struggle for marriage equality.
lmchildress almost 12 years ago
Hey, when did Sam get worldly-wise eyes? Last time I saw her, she still had (oo) eyes like her mother…
Newshound41 almost 12 years ago
…or gay marriage in Benghazi.