Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for April 06, 2016
Lacey: Hello, my name's Lacey Davenport, and I'm simply thrilled to pieces to be here campaigning for my fellow Republican, Clint Eastwood! To be honest, I've never seen one of Mr. Eastwood's films, but I'm sure he's just delicious in them. I'm told he projects resolve, and that's important! After all, what's the greatest problem facing municipal governments today? Clint Eastwood: Punks? Lacey: Uh... no, deficits. Oh, dear, is this a law and order campaign?
@mabrndtDo others have a problem viewing ? I can’t tell because, of course, I can see both my post and yours clearly on my laptop. Mabrndt, if you see this, or anybody else, for that matter, let me know if you could not see the mem as I posted, and what you did see. Thanks.