Of course, you mean: The victory of the liberal, progressive North against the conservative South and its Satanic endorsement and defense to the death of human slavery. This was a bunch of “Christians” basing an economy on kidnapping, rape, murder, torture, the destruction of families, and theft on a scale that would have embarrassed Stalin. The labels “Republican” and “Democratic” are pretty meaningless after 150-odd years, especially since the parties switched positions in the 1930s. The Southern Strategy to court old-line Democrat bigots in the South fueled Nixon’s victories in 1968 and 1972. Abraham Lincoln today would proudly be a Democrat, and aghast and ashamed of how far his party had sunk.
Of course, you mean: The victory of the liberal, progressive North against the conservative South and its Satanic endorsement and defense to the death of human slavery. This was a bunch of “Christians” basing an economy on kidnapping, rape, murder, torture, the destruction of families, and theft on a scale that would have embarrassed Stalin. The labels “Republican” and “Democratic” are pretty meaningless after 150-odd years, especially since the parties switched positions in the 1930s. The Southern Strategy to court old-line Democrat bigots in the South fueled Nixon’s victories in 1968 and 1972. Abraham Lincoln today would proudly be a Democrat, and aghast and ashamed of how far his party had sunk.