Emmy Lou by Marty Links for February 28, 2013

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    annieb1012  about 12 years ago

    An unleashed puppydog! I remember when leash laws were first being enacted in whatever neighborhood it was where I lived at the time. And in today’s comics, Fred Basset & Co. seem to be able to run around on their own quite a bit, too. Not my basset. Whenever he escapes the yard, the neighbors bring him home or call us, because they’re afraid he’ll get hit by a car.

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    annieb1012  about 12 years ago

    And the girls have no backpacks! I well remember carrying a full armload of books around all day every day, and no complaints about it, either. It’s just the way it was.

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    comicbuff24  about 12 years ago

    Love the dog in the background!

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    emmyloufan1  about 12 years ago

    Hi Annieb1012! I always respected kids that took that much homework home…because I sure didn’t! Big dog lover here too. I had 3 off leash—always picked up after them though!

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