I notice one thing. The comment of the lizard in panel 4 that outsiders are humorless spoilsports.This kind of thing has happened before in the arena and Lizard town, others have met the same fate, none have made it out alive even if they won the fight or were permitted to leave.I mentioned once before that I believe once you are in Lizard town you are not going to leave…..its all a lie about leaving. I believe no one left to begin with. Lizard leader made promises they can leave in peace but I think there is a different reality to his promise.If this Lizard leader is so concerned about the Species war happening it would be in his best interest to NOT allow more furry mutants to join the ranks against him. So they never leave this place or if they are escorted out they never make it to the next settlement.Kirbee may find more behind those walls than one dead Jim.
I notice one thing. The comment of the lizard in panel 4 that outsiders are humorless spoilsports.This kind of thing has happened before in the arena and Lizard town, others have met the same fate, none have made it out alive even if they won the fight or were permitted to leave.I mentioned once before that I believe once you are in Lizard town you are not going to leave…..its all a lie about leaving. I believe no one left to begin with. Lizard leader made promises they can leave in peace but I think there is a different reality to his promise.If this Lizard leader is so concerned about the Species war happening it would be in his best interest to NOT allow more furry mutants to join the ranks against him. So they never leave this place or if they are escorted out they never make it to the next settlement.Kirbee may find more behind those walls than one dead Jim.