She put the roll on backwards. The only time it should be put in backwards is if there are either cats or toddlers in the house. When our older daughter was a toddler we found her in the bathroom once waist-deep in Scotts 1000 roll (it was a brand-new roll, too)! We scolded her. She ran to her room, crying. My husband stepped out onto our porch…and laughed our butts off!!!
She put the roll on backwards. The only time it should be put in backwards is if there are either cats or toddlers in the house. When our older daughter was a toddler we found her in the bathroom once waist-deep in Scotts 1000 roll (it was a brand-new roll, too)! We scolded her. She ran to her room, crying. My husband stepped out onto our porch…and laughed our butts off!!!