April is not being taught how to handle properly handle Farley. I know she’s a toddler but you have to start somewhere with teaching kids to respect your four legged family members.
One of my daughters would build up a charge and zap one of the cats until the cat took a swipe at her hand with the claws out. We never had to talk to her about treating the animals with respect and dignity again.
When I was very young, our dog and I did not get along, but she would defend me to the death. Or so I’ve been told. Yet I was very upset when she died.
Templo S.U.D. about 4 years ago
much to the dog’s chagrin
Baarorso about 4 years ago
April is not being taught how to handle properly handle Farley. I know she’s a toddler but you have to start somewhere with teaching kids to respect your four legged family members.
GirlGeek Premium Member about 4 years ago
It sounded like Jaws
Enter.Name.Here about 4 years ago
Observation: Another nice feature about new “noisy” diapers. They are as good as a cat’s collar bell for finding the little rug rats.
Teto85 Premium Member about 4 years ago
One of my daughters would build up a charge and zap one of the cats until the cat took a swipe at her hand with the claws out. We never had to talk to her about treating the animals with respect and dignity again.
llong65 about 4 years ago
and later that bond will be life saving.
justjam38 about 4 years ago
WAY, to often, the kids are smarter than the adults. Humans are not the nicest thing on this planet.
dandrew55 about 4 years ago
Remember, Farley saves April’s life and then dies doing it. There is a great love there.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Ha! One of them is “attached”. The other is attacked.
summerdog about 4 years ago
Dogs, like people, can have good days and bad days. Catch Farley on a bad day, and it might not be so cute!
awcoffman about 4 years ago
When I was very young, our dog and I did not get along, but she would defend me to the death. Or so I’ve been told. Yet I was very upset when she died.
Johnnyrico about 4 years ago
Generally not a good idea to grab a dog by its junk..
joefearsnothing about 4 years ago
It looks like “attraction” and ’toleration!"
dv1093 about 4 years ago
Someone explain this strip to me. “Slap?” “Crinkle?”
kab2rb about 4 years ago
Farley does not think so.
raybarb44 about 4 years ago
Dogs know children and are patient…..
heathcliff2 about 4 years ago
Is that a unanimous perspective?
phoenixnyc about 4 years ago
She’s lifting your leg, Farley……you know what to do.
BlitzMcD about 4 years ago
A little too attached, given the eventual outcome of their relationship. Farley did not deserve such a fate. Sad, any way you slice it.